DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-3-115-120
The article considers the questions of activization of educational and cognitive activity of students of a military higher education institution as a condition for the formation of an innovative type of thinking for a young specialist. The necessity of introduction of interactive educational cognitive activity of students with the inclusion of information technologies in the educational process is proved. The characteristics and peculiarities of using information technologies for interactive training of military university students are disclosed, as well as the effectiveness of this process. The analysis carries out the content and the need to receive information and technological applications by the educational institution as the most effective way of improvement of training of future military specialist to professional activity for the purpose of providing them with the necessary knowledge, practical abilities, and faultless skills. The significance and functions of using information technologies in the process of professional training of future specialists are described. The definition of interac tive forms of teaching as a methodically directed interaction between the participants of the pedagogical process that allows developing creative and critical thinking of students of a military educational institution in the mode of dialogue, the ability of an analytical solution of problem situations in the professional sphere, is concretized.
Keywords: information technologies, interactive training, introduction of information technologies in the educational process, educational process, activation of cognitive activity
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Issue: 3, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 115 — 120
Downloads: 1300