DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-3-126-130
In the professional training of a musician-performer a wide range of problems is investigated. The question of the development of theoretical thinking of the artist has always been at the center of scientific interests, since the effectiveness of the subsequent musical, performing and pedagogical activity of the graduate depends on his decision. The specificity of the theoretical thinking of the musician-performer is considered. On the one hand, it is closely related to the content and logic inherent in music by its author. On the other hand, it deciphers the author‘s intention, in order to intone it in sounds for listeners. Consequently, the theoretical thinking of the performer from the philosophical standpoint is revealed in the dialectic of artistic time and intonation. Further, the content of conceptprocesses is revealed: artistic time, intonation. The creation of artistic time and its intonation are two interrelated and at the same time independent types of artistic activity. From this unity and struggle, the energy of self-movement and self-expression of the performer is born, an artistic interpretation of the author‘s design is created. An algorithm for the theoretical thinking of the performer is considered. This is the process of the afterlife of the formation of the musical form as a whole formation, where the form is derived from the content as a concrete from the universal. Describes the practical experience of the analysis of the play by Claude Debussy „Snow Dances“ from the cycle “Children‘s Corner” in the class “Piano”. Taking into account the fact that one of the main criteria of the Impressionists was the “living” attitude to the world around: the view, the moment, the impression, the predominance of colors, it is important to disclose in the work on the product the specific ways of the author‘s embodiment of content. All formative elements of the play are considered inextricably linked with the image.
Keywords: thinking, theoretical thinking, logic, contradiction, artistic time, intonation, theoretical analysis, analysis of a work
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Issue: 3, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 126 — 130
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