DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-3-139-149
This paper is analyzing the organization of doctoral studies in the Uzbek universities through comparison with the European universities doctoral structure and best practices. Reveals and suggests recommendations for improving the existing system in Uzbekistan. It provides information on latest developments in this field in Europe, with a brief overview of past events and factors that led to changes within the European system over the past 10–15 years. The purpose of the paper is to familiarize with the European system of doctoral studies, as well as to present the main characteristics and elements of this structure, which in the following sections will be compared with the system of Uzbekistan. At the same time the paper is devoted to the analysis of the current situation in postgraduate education in Uzbekistan, highlighting those changes that were introduced after the introduction of the new law on postgraduate education in 2017. It focuses on identifying the most complex element and weaknesses in the system of doctoral studies in Uzbekistan. Offers same recommendations on the improvement of doctoral courses. Finally, based on the analysis of the doctoral system, some solutions to improve the overall quality of the system in Uzbekistan are proposed.
Keywords: higher education, doctoral studies, PhD, graduate school, university, quality of education
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Issue: 3, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 139 — 149
Downloads: 1138