DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-3-150-156
The issue of teaching the technique of hopping simulation during the snowless period of skiers-racers on the training stage is considered. The value of hopping simulation as one of the means of training skiers for races in the preparatory (summer-autumn) period is presented. The urgency of the question is determined. The errors encountered in the practice of hopping simulation at the beginning and at the end of a pedagogical experiment are considered. At the beginning of the pedagogical experiment, the groups did not have statistically significant differences in the possession of the technique of hopping simulation, i.e. were considered homogeneous in composition. Errors are systematized by gradation (gross, significant, small). The experimental substantiation of the peculiarities of the training technique of hopping simulation is presented. Peculiarities of training methodology are compiled taking into account the stages of learning the motor activity, the schedule, the system of particular tasks, the means (exercises) and the principles of training. Each stage of training contains a list of particular tasks, tools, methodical techniques. The principles of teaching are explained taking into account the peculiarities of their application. A scheme for correcting errors in the technique of hopping simulation is proposed. At the end of the pedagogical experiment, a comparison is made between the results of mastering the technique of the motor action being studied between the control and experimental groups. The data are presented on the basis of the method of expert evaluations (fixing of errors admitted for each subject) and the method of mathematical statistics. The average scores for the technique of exercise in the control and experimental groups (on a five-point scale) were determined. The quantitative composition of the recorded errors in engineering in both groups is presented. Positive effects of the developed features of the teaching methodology have been noted.
Keywords: hopping simulation, alternate two-step course, technique, teaching methods, expert evaluation, particular tasks, means
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Issue: 3, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 150 — 156
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