DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-3-166-173
Perspective direction in common range of insufficiently explored problem of Russian history is the study of Russian soviet everyday life history. This statement fully applies to its regional component - the history of the Stavropol Territory. The article is devoted to daily routine leisure of the people of our country in the 1930ies. The author analyzes such types of leisure as reading, sport, movies, self-education, groups culture in the background of economic, political and demographic processes of the country and the region in the 1930ies. As noted in the article all these forms of spending free time were politicized and ideologized. Through the development of mass culture, sport, organization of recreational facilities and rural clubs, the government established total control over the private life of its citizens. Various methods were used for this purpose such as censorship in press and movies, control over the activity of libraries, unification of citizens in all kind of organizations and clubs, and the orientation of young people to “right” leisure with the the help of propaganda, press and cinema. As a result leisure and leisure time turned into not free, regulated by the government. Leisure time was replaced by alcohol consumption (drinking of alcohol) and drunken behavior which became a norm of life, especially in nomenclature 1930ies.
Keywords: Russia, native history, Soviet everyday life, education, leisure, culture, literature, cinema, sports, country club, Stavropol region
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Issue: 3, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 166 — 173
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