DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-3-174-185
The author makes an attempt to make a share of contribution to the research of the pivotal component of the problem of civic population evacuation – the evacuation of population from Stalingrad and the accommodation of the evacuees at the Siberian land. The article shows the peculiarities and hardships of the situation of the city of Stalingrad, which became the centre of evacuation processes in the South of the country due to its geographical and economical situation, transport development. The paper gives the analysis of the reasons for the belatedness of the mass evacuation held in the city, evacuation of the highly qualified cadres and their families, the ways of solving complex problems of accommodation of the arrivals form Stalingrad in Siberia. The paper makes a special emphasis on the issue as the specialists from Stalingrad arrived in order to build the large plant Transmash, which was to produce diesel engines for tanks, the production of which had been terminated at the Stalingrad Tractor Plant. The papers shows the system of measures undertaken for solving this accommodation problem, highlights that it required the development of the special plan, creation of staging points, organizations of food, medical and social services, mobilization of transport organizations. In spite of many hardships the task of providing the arrived people and their families with living accommodations was solved.
Keywords: The Great Patriotic War, Stalingrad, Barnaul, evacuation, Krasnyy oktyabr’ (Red October), Barrikady (Barricades), Traktornyy zavod (Tractor Plant), Transmash
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Issue: 3, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 174 — 185
Downloads: 1055