DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-3-186-193
Сareful study of the rich experience of the Russian and Soviet higher schools is required in modern conditions of reforming the Russian educational system. Such a study will allow to take into account the mistakes of the past and to find the roots of modern problems, and also to formulate the most optimal ways of the current modernization. The need to study the dynamics of the development of the Soviet higher school is due to the scientific and historical relevance of the topic. Analysis of statistical data, archival records management showed that the development of higher education in the USSR in the 1970s and 1980s was ambiguous and contradictory. On the one hand, during this period there is an increase in the quantitative indicators of the output of specialists, the number of higher education institutions is increasing and the number of specialties is expanding. On the other hand, the system of higher education was subordinated to the needs and opportunities of the state planned economy. The state purposefully expanded the training of personnel for the extensive development of production. The growth in the number of specialists with higher education was achieved due to an increase in admission to correspondence and evening departments. Decrease in the financing of education by the end of the 1980s. gradually led to the obsolescence of the material and technical base of universities, to a decrease in prestige, both university professors and graduates who did not find a decent job in their specialty. All this deformed the system of higher education and adversely affected the development of the Soviet state and society.
Keywords: history of higher education, higher school of the USSR, soviet students, higher school teachers, distance learning, work in the specialty
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Issue: 3, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 186 — 193
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