DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-3-198-205
The history of volunteer practices in prerevolutionary Russia is among the major problems that attract increasing attention of researchers. The need to study them is caused not only by scientific, but also by the practical need for a deeper consideration of volunteer activity in the system of charitable institutions and public organizations. The statutes and reports of these organizations are valuable sources, significantly broadening and refining our understanding of the history of volunteerism in Russia in the second half of the 19th century. Reflecting the nature of society itself, they contain information about their composition (quantitative and personal), organizational structure, subordinate organizations and activities, as well as practices of public volunteers. Thanks to the availability of such a document as the charter, members of the society first got an idea of the procedure for using the rights granted to them and the sphere of application of volunteer efforts and free labor. The article analyzes statutes and reports of the Tver Charitable Society for the Promotion of Women’s Labor, the Orenburg Slavic Charitable Society, the Arkhangelsk Sobriety Society, the Odessa Society for Combating Drunkenness, the Charitable Society for the Publication of Useful and Cheap Books, the Society for the Improvement of National Labor in Memory of the Tsar Liberator Alexander II, the Charitable Society for the Protection of Animals, the St. Petersburg Slavic Charitable Society, and others.
Keywords: charitable institutions, volunteers, volunteer activity, report, public organizations, charter, membercompetitors
1. Ustav Tverskogo blagotvoritel’nogo obshchestva pooshchreniya zhenskogo truda [Charter of the Tver charitable society for the promotion of women’s labor]. Tver ’, 1912. 8 p. (in Russian).
2. Ustav Obshchestva trezvosti v g. Vologde, utv. 23 fevr. 1911 g. [Charter of the society of sobriety in Vologda, approved. Feb. 23, 1911]. Vologda, 1911. 6 p. (in Russian).
3. Ustav Kiyevskogo obshchestva okhraneniya narodnoy trezvosti [Charter of the Kiev society for the preservation of folk sobriety]. Kiev, 1907. 12 p. (in Russian).
4. Ustav Bezhitskogo pri bryanskom zavode obshchestva trezvosti [Bezhitsky’s statute of sobriety society at the Bryansk plant]. Bryansk, 1915. 20 p. (in Russian).
5. Ustav S.-Peterburgskogo obshchestva trezvosti [Charter of St. Petersburg society of temperance]. Saint Petersburg, 1896. 12 p. (in Russian).
6. Ustav Izhevskogo obshchestva trezvosti [Charter of Izhevsk society of sobriety]. Vyatka, 1895. 8 p. (in Russian).
7. Ustav Moskovskogo blagotvoritel’nogo obshchestva zashchity zhivotnykh [Charter of the Moscow charitable society for the protection of animals]. Moscow, 1916. 28 p. (in Russian).
8. Ustav Orenburgskogo slavyanskogo blagotvoritel’nogo obshchestva [The Orenburg slavic charitable society charter]. Orenburg, 1915. 24 p. (in Russian).
9. Russkiye obshchestva trezvosti, ikh organizatsiya i deyatel’nost’ v 1892–1893 gg. [Russian sobriety societies, their organization and activity in 1892–1893]. Saint Petersburg, 1894. 64 p. (in Russian).
10. Ustav Arkhangel’skogo obshchestva trezvosti [Charter of the Arkhangelsk sobriety society]. Arkhangel’sk, 1896. 12 p. (in Russian).
11. Otchet o deyatel’nosti chlenov Odesskogo obshchestva dlya bor’by s p’yanstvom [Report on the activities of members of the Odessa society to combat drunkenness]. Odessa, 1989. 18 p. (in Russian).
12. Otchet Blagotvoritel’nogo obshchestva izdaniya obshchepoleznykh i deshevykh knig za 1912 g. Petrograd [Report of the Charitable society publishing useful and cheap books for 1912. Petrograd]. Saint Petersburg, 1913. 30 p. (in Russian).
13. Otchet Blagotvoritel’nogo obshchestva izdaniya obshchepoleznykh i deshevykh knig za 1913 g. [Report of the Charitable society of the publication of generally useful and cheap books for 1913]. Petrograd, 1914. 61 p. (in Russian).
14. Otchet Blagotvoritel’nogo obshchestva izdaniya obshchepoleznykh i deshevykh knig za 1915 g. [Report of the Charitable society of the publication of generally useful and cheap books for 1915]. Petrograd, 1916. 24 p. (in Russian).
15. Otchet Blagotvoritel’nogo obshchestva izdaniya obshchepoleznykh i deshevykh knig za 1914 g. [Report of the Charitable society of the publication of useful and cheap books for 1914]. Petrograd, 1915. 61 p. (in Russian).
16. Otchet o deyatel’nosti sostoyashchego pod avgusteyshim pokrovitel’stvom gosudaryni imperatritsy Marii Fedorovny Obshchestva pooshchreniya trudolyubiya v g. Penze za 1911 g. [Report on the activities of the Empress Maria Society for the promotion of industrialism in Penza for 1911]. Penza, 1912. 32 p. (in Russian).
17. Kratkiye svedeniya o deyatel’nosti Obshchestva uluchsheniya narodnogo truda v pamyat’ tsarya-osvoboditelya Aleksandra II [Brief information on the activities of the Society for the Improvement of National Labor in memory of the Tsar Liberator Alexander II]. Saint Petersburg, 1898. 26 p. (in Russian).
18. Ustav Blagotvoritel’nogo obshchestva pri Voronezhskom dome trudolyubiya [Charter of the charitable society at the Voronezh house of diligence]. Voronezh, 1899. 12 p. (in Russian).
19. Protokoly Blagotvoritel’nogo obshchestva pri Voronezhskom dome trudolyubiya [Protocols of the charitable society at the Voronezh house of Industriousness]. Voronezh, 1899. 46 p. (in Russian).
20 Otchet o deyatel’nosti Sankt-Peterburgskogo slavyanskogo blagotvoritel’nogo obshchestva [Report on the activities of the St. Petersburg slavic charitable society]. Saint Petersburg, 1889. 42 p. (in Russian).
Issue: 3, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 198 — 205
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