DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-5-33-37
The article below attempts to define, organize and structure genre varieties of operating instruction. Technical instruction and user manual have been already described in traditional linguistic research. The current study has revealed that genre varieties of operating instruction include new ones that have appeared recently. These are MissingManual, ForDummies, and TheCompleteIdiot’sGuide. The appearance of new genre varieties is due to the rapid development of technical progress. The current research shows that the new genre varieties of operating instruction fall into subclasses. It has been established that the main differences between Missing Manual, For Dummies and The Complete Idiot’s Guide include the way of presenting information in the text, thematic scope and functional stylistics status of the above mentioned texts. The Complete Idiot’s Guide and For Dummies are characterized by emotiveness, the use of resources of expressiveness such as metaphor, allusion, antonomasia and other stylistics devices. The Missing Manual has a specialized field, while For Dummies and The Complete Idiot’s Guide tend to be multidisciplinary texts. Unlike technical, or operating, instructions belonging to scientific style, Missing Manual, For Dummies and The Complete Idiot’s Guide are hybrid mixed genres that combine elements of scientific, advertising and colloquial styles.
Keywords: operating instruction, Missing Manual, For Dummies, The Complete Idiot’s Guide, genre variety, subclass
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Issue: 5, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 33 — 37
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