DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-5-43-46
The article represents the morphosyntactic analysis of somonims of the Selkup language. The undertaken research corresponds to the relevant problems of modern linguistics consisting in the need of documentation and description of the languages which are under the threat of disappearance. In spite of the fact that the Selkup language has been an object of researches for many years and it has been studied in different aspects, the morphosyntactic structure of somatic vocabulary of the Selkup language has not been exposed to the system analysis yet. Somatic vocabulary of the Selkup language is represented by several types of morphosyntactic structures: simple words; compound words with coordinative and subordinative types of linking of stems; phrases. Simple somonims are frequently used in possessive form of the third person singular. It is attached possession. Simple somonims can rarely add other suffixes. In somatic vocabulary only one case of shifting of the simple somonim to another part of speech has been revealed. The components of compound words and phrases are mostly nouns and adjectives. The subordination is expressed either by the possessive form of the third person singular or by the genitive case. The second component can be represented by any other part of speech.
Keywords: the Selkup language, somatic vocabulary, morphosyntax, simple words, compound words, phrases
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Issue: 5, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 43 — 46
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