DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-5-47-50
In present article there are the results of inner form analysis of idioms with the verbs of physical perception in the Russian and English languages. The purpose is to find isomorphic and allomorphic features. There are several types of phraselogical units but idioms are the most interesting for such analysis because they have the inner form based upon some kind of image. The inner form of idioms reflects the associative bonds between conceptual category of physical perception and other categories. The article demonstrates the analysis of inner form done by means of identifying associative models of phraseological inner form. The majority of the associative models are in visual perception that represents the importance of visual perception for native speakers and for the process of idioms creation in both languages. The article presents associative bonds of physical perception category with other categories and the similarities and differences in inner forms of idioms in comparable languages. Phraseological equivalents and coincident models of phraseological inner form represent the similarities of these languages. The connection of physical perception sphere and sphere of understanding, sphere of emotions, personal relations and others became evident. The fact that all associative models in English coincide with those in the Russian language may indicate the identical perceptual and cognitive apparatus.
Keywords: inner form, idiom, inner form model, physical perception, equivalent, analogue
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Issue: 5, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 47 — 50
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