DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-5-58-63
At the present stage of linguistic research the keen interest of linguists in studying of semantics and functioning of separate language units in the literary text, in particular, of units of lexical-semantic group of verbs of sounding is noted. In this article the lexical-semantic group of verbs of sounding on the material of poetic texts of Robert Rozhdestvensky is considered. On the basis of the vast body of procedural units, containing in this sense “sound”, an attempt is made to reveal the features of the use and functioning of sound verbs in R. Rozhdestvensky’s poetry, since the verbs of this group are the specific markers of the original manner of writing of Robert Rozhdestvensky, his poetic handwriting. Special attention is paid to the description of a semantic class of verbs of sounding, namely group of the verbs designating the sounds of inanimate nature made by inanimate objects and the person defining the place and a role of verbs of this lexico-semantic group in the poetic texts of Robert Rozhdestvensky. The material for the observations were the poetry of Robert Rozhdestvensky, poems of the different years of the poet, collected in a three parts collection of works, including the period of the poet’s creative activity from 1951 till 1985. The novelty of the work lies in the fact that the poetic language of Robert Rozhdestvensky has not yet been the subject of a special study. And the study of the lexical case of verbs of sound semantics will allow to establish the creative originality of Robert Rozhdestvensky, a feature of the manifestation of the language identity of the poet.
Keywords: verbs of sounding, lexico-semantic group, semantics, sound vocabulary, procedural units
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Issue: 5, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 58 — 63
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