DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-5-103-109
Since the very beginning of goldmine industry in Siberia its workers were on their own in issues of healthcare, insurance and support of families of the deceased laborers. Changes came in the end of XIX – the beginning of XX century. They became possible because of new imperial legislation. According to new laws, entrepreneurs became responsible for their worker’s health and were obliged to compensate work-related injury or death claims of employees. However, it caused debates among people of industry. They made several projects, concerning the creation of insurance association and the society of mutual insurance for workers. Some projects were quite promising, supposing that accessible health insurance funds would be created even in Siberian taiga. But conferences of gold industry entrepreneurs tended to support the moderate ones. Even the duration of operational season was disputed since it had effect on payments size. However, even these efforts were made without great effect and failed to create a stable insurance system. As seen from the study it was the consequence of entrepreneurs’ effort to share responsibility for insurance with the state institutions and workers themselves. The problem of health insurance was a part of the labour issue, which appeared to be unmanageable.
Keywords: history of Siberia, labour issue, insurance, pensions, gold industry
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Issue: 5, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 103 — 109
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