DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-5-183-188
The paper looks at the “Campus courses of TSU” project and describes it as one of the methods for organizing selective courses for students. The project was developed by the project group of the Center of education quality development, including O. N. Kalachikova, P. Kiseleva , A. Morozova, A. Balabanova. It is implemented in the National Research Tomsk State University from the 2015 academic year. Unlike traditional elective courses, Campus courses mean having a general catalog of courses in different subjects, regardless of the student’s faculty and specialization. The paper presents the results of this survey-based analysis and show that most of the students lack the opportunity to develop their general cultural competences and communicative skills as well as artistic creativity, and all that serves as motivation to attend selective courses. It was established that most of the students make careful choice of courses. The variety of courses and activities allows students to fulfill their educational ambitions. It was revealed that the majority of students are satisfied with the quality of the courses, the form of conducting classes, the interaction with the teacher.
Keywords: selective courses, Campus courses, personal educational ambitions, interaction
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Issue: 5, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 183 — 188
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