DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-5-200-206
The problem of the Russian economy‘s withdrawal to the trajectory of sustainable growth is considered by the author in connection with the solution of the problem of employment and the rational distribution of an able-bodied human resource in the labor market. In accordance with the civilizational challenges and the need for Russia‘s adaptation to new socio-economic conditions, the expediency of training qualified personnel for the developing service industries of the economy is justified. Training of such specialists is impossible without professional training of teachers who would have professional competence in accordance with the direction (profile) of professional activity. The subject of consideration is the content of modern design activities and the identification of the component composition of the relevant competencies that make up professional competence of a teacher of professional training in the field of arts and crafts and design. The problem of formation of professional competence of a future teacher of vocational training for training of qualified specialists in the sphere of services with the purpose of satisfying the existing consumer demand for services in the field of modern design is considered. Presented are the results of the study of the component composition of the model for the formation of professional competence of a future teacher of vocational training in accordance with the direction (profile) of training: arts and crafts and design. The structure and component composition of pedagogical, design competences, as well as competencies in working with computer graphics are revealed. Schemes for the formation of professional competencies are presented, containing the composition and structural interrelationships of the individual elements of the relevant competencies. The expediency of using the proposed logic and the hierarchical structure of the process of forming professional competencies for measuring their level of formation, as well as fixing the dynamics of their development in the process of vocational training, is grounded.
Keywords: professional competence, pedagogical competence, professional competence, design competences, component composition of competencies
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Issue: 5, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 200 — 206
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