DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-5-207-211
In recent years, in Russia only 36 % of students master technical specialties, which does not meet the needs of engineers for the Tyumen region. The results of the analysis of the problem of professional development of the individual and its self-determination allow to assert the need for the use of new forms of career guidance in higher education. To create conditions for personal self-determination, a well-built system of interaction between school, University and employer is necessary. One of the first experiments to attract students to technical specialties, namely the oil profile, was the organization of profile classes by PJSC “Rosneft” in the regions of Russia. The socalled“ Rosneft-classes” carry out pre-university training. In the process of teaching, students study physics, mathematics, chemistry in depth for the successful passing of the exam, also get acquainted with future profile subjects. After graduation, 95 % of graduates enter technical areas of higher education. As a result of cooperation with Rosneft, the idea to develop engineering skills was born, starting with primary school. At Tyumen Industrial University was launched the project “School of Engineering Reserve” for schoolchildren (grades 1–11), which contributes to the formation of engineering mentality at an early age. The school curriculum includes a number of disciplines: entertaining physics, mathematics, 3D modeling, robotics, young oilman, Geology, applied chemistry. The training is based on the application of project training methods. Most graduates of the school (in 2016 and 2017 93 %) go to study at technical universities.
Keywords: career guidance, professional self-determination, professions, engineering mentality formation
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Issue: 5, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 207 — 211
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