DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-5-226-231
The article is devoted to the research of features of professional education of legal consciousness of the cadets of universities of national guard troops of the Russian Federation. Discusses general issues of formation of legal consciousness as a form of social consciousness and the specific features of the education of the professional legal consciousness of the cadets of universities of national guard troops of the Russian Federation as future officers, whose professional activity is closely linked with law and order, indicates that cadets of higher education institutions of national guard troops of the Russian Federation are carriers of specific professional legal consciousness, represented by a set of legal knowledge generated values and due to the specific military service personal and professional experience. The process of education of professional legal consciousness of the cadets of universities of national guard troops of the Russian Federation as future advocates and enforcers, is considered in indissoluble communication with their legal education and legal culture. Examines pedagogical and educational conditions for the formation of a high level of professional legal consciousness of the cadets of universities of national guard troops of the Russian Federation in the personality-oriented education model and principles of competence approach in education.
Keywords: legal consciousness, professional legal consciousness, peculiarities of cadets’ professional legal consciousness, legal education, legal culture, personality-oriented model of education, competence approach
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Issue: 5, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 226 — 231
Downloads: 1021