DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-5-232-242
The article discusses the current concept of the assessment of pedagogical staff in Russian Federation. According to this approach the significant component of the assessment system is to provide information about possible areas of professional development of teachers’ professional activity and their competence. The proposed approach is a model of teacher professional competency that include core competencies, that were allocated on the basis of a research about teacher’s professional activity in accordance with the professional standard of teacher. Key competencies of a teacher are a set of personal qualities that are demonstrated in the behavior and ensure the effective implementation of his professional activities. The article presents approbation results of the “360 degrees” method of survey in assessing the professional activities of teachers. Method of survey “360 degrees” allows to assess the level of teacher’s competences representation on the basis of the attitudes of all participants of educational activities (students, parents of students, colleagues, representatives of administration and teachers) to the manifestations of professional competence in practice. The application of the assessment approach presented in the article is possible not only by the external experts, but also by educational organizations for the purpose of assessment of teacher’s professional activity.
Keywords: assessment of professional activity of a teacher, model of professional competences of a teacher, method of survey “360 degrees”, profile of professional development, quality of education
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Issue: 5, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 232 — 241
Downloads: 937