DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-5-242-248
The article discusses the trends in information and communications technology that promote the formation of the open pedagogy, the subjects of which are not only teachers and students, but also other stakeholders (experts, consultants, Internet content curators, etc.). The possible ways to form the theoretical basis and the necessary institutional conditions for everyday educational activities of the pupils (students, working professionals, retirees) are determined. Offered a possible model of the open pedagogic environment related to social, technological and ecological environment. Highlighted the link between educational space, educational environment and personal educational spheres in global education space. The necessity of teaching evaluation for didactic characteristics of total mobile connectivity, hybrid (virtual and augmented) reality, "brain-computer interfaces" and other innovative technologies, and the impact of the digital reality on the identity of the person, to his way of thinking and lifestyle is showed. From the point of view of the open pedagogy-andragogy, the State should define the overall framework for educational space-regulation, level organization forms of institutional education, and professional standards. In this space can operate educational services providers of various ranks: normative authorized educational institutions (public and private schools, lyceums, colleges, institutes and universities) business (consulting, expert, training etc.) institutions, volunteer associations, professionally oriented hybrid organization types, accompanying public education. The necessity of pedagogical evaluation of not only didactic characteristics of total mobile connectivity, virtual and augmented reality, brain-computer interfaces and other innovative technologies, but also the influence of digital reality on personality, his thinking and way of life, is grounded.
Keywords: lifelong learning, personalization of education, pedagogical system, open pedagogy
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Issue: 5, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 242 — 248
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