DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-7-19-24
The article deals with the question of representation of the interdiscourse category in the scientific medical discourse. It provides the differentiation of the notions “intertextuality” and “interdiscursivity” and gives parameters of their differentiation. In case of intertextuality the sings are linguistic units that indicate the interaction between texts, in case of interdiscursivity the indications are the elements of conceptual and linguistic plan of the discourse. The article shows the interaction between intertextuality and interdiscursivity in the scientific medical discourse. Intertextuality depends on interdiscursivity and marks it with the help of different linguistic means. In the scientific medical discourse marked and unmarked forms represent interdiscursive connections. The article presents the examples of realization of interdiscursive connections in the scientific medical discourse. It concludes that interdiscursivity in the scientific medical discourse is a cognitive and a discursive phenomenon. The cognitive side of interdiscursivity reflects the possibility to gain and organize medical knowledge; the discursive one is connected with the extension of knowledge in the text that allows considering the acquired knowledge and experience. The category of interdiscourse is actualized by the inclusion of fragments of knowledge in this type of text that have textual and nontextual etymology and which relate to other discourses.
Keywords: interdiscourse, interdiscursivity, intertextuality, precedent phenomenon, medical discourse
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Issue: 7, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 19 — 24
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