DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-7-33-37
The relevance of the current research is defined by the increasing role of business communication and fixation of the sphere of business and finance as the predominating links in the development of modern society. In view of the initial orientation on increase in its target audience and formation of the relation necessary for business to his activity, business discourse in modern information space shows the most democratic verbal character, undergoing processes of deconventionalisation and deregimentation and getting closer to colloquial functional style on a number of characteristics. The aim of the conducted research is the development of the authors’ own classification of notions of evaluation expressions presented by phraseological units on the basis of their correlation with evaluation expressions (according to N. D. Arutyunova), as well as their influence on pragma-axiological and deregimentational character of modern business discourse. Thus, the following tasks have been set: to give the characteristic to the language phenomenon of phraseology; to analyse phraseological units with an evaluation element and to compare them with evaluation expressions of N. D. Arutyunova; to define character and importance of each evaluation type; to reveal the deconventional character of business discourse which is formed in connection with the active appeal of communicants to phraseological units of modal character and expressional expression of the subjective relation to the phenomena and processes of reality. The presented classification of evaluation types in pragma-communicative aspect proceeding from the initial strategies, tactics, characteristics and intensions of business discourse comes forward as the main result of the research. Proceeding from the features of communicative interaction within business communication, evaluation by communicants of the phenomena of reality is based on the purposes of business institute and can be presented by the following subtypes: nominative-actional; nominative-personal; nominative-situational; nominative evaluation of situation; nominative evaluation of a phenomenon / subject.
Keywords: phraseological unit, evaluation, business discourse, deconventionalisation, language expression, language behaviour
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Issue: 7, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 33 — 37
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