DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-7-66-72
Planning, including lessons’ planning, is an integral and meaningful component of the teacher’s professional methodical training. In the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards (FSES) in the system of secondary education, the training of future teachers in lessons planning is substantially updated and acquires special significance. Teachers that carry out this training should take into account and critically comprehend both positive innovations and shortcomings in the standards, be able to scientifically interpret them, explain to students the possibilities of minimizing the methodological shortcomings of FSES; know contemporary scientific and practical achievements on problems of planning lessons in a specific subject area; to apply methodically adequate and effective methods of training on planning. This article is devoted to teaching the planning of a foreign language lesson in the context of FSES as a scientific-methodical problem. Some critical remarks concerning FSES are mentioned; the results of methodical studies on the implementation of foreign language education in the context of FSES are summarized, the scientific-methodical problems of teaching the planning of the foreign language lesson in accordance with the requirements of FSES in the framework of methodical training are described, and the tasks of this training on ensuring the quality of training for lesson planning are formulated. The article outlines the problems that, in the opinion of the author of this article, require methodical comprehension and solution.
Keywords: foreign language lesson, lesson planning, training to planning, methodical teachers’ training, Federal State Educational Standards
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Issue: 7, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 66 — 72
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