DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-7-73-78
This article discusses the problem of collaborative learning technology of students of language specialties. It deals with potential of using web services for the collaborative editing of texts such as eduPad, Google Docs and Wikispaces for teaching foreign language writing interaction in a group. The paper shows the specificity of the text created with these online services compared with the traditional text, advantages of the teamwork for the forming disciplinary and interdisciplinary skills, gives a comparative description of these services, describes methodical projects for testing the use of eduPad and Wikispaces in the learning process, and presents an algorithm for the implementation of projects. In the course of the study, the authors conclude that the eduPad, Google Docs and Wikispaces collaborative editing services enable the implementation of learning technology in cooperation and can serve as an effective tool for developing written language skills among students in a foreign language lesson. It confirms the reduction in working time and quantity of mistakes in writing texts. Collaborative learning technology combined with online tools for collaborative editing develops network etiquette and teamwork skills too. The results of the research can be used in the theory and practice of teaching foreign languages, useful for teachers and teachers of a foreign language.
Keywords: information and communication technologies, methods of foreign language teaching, training in cooperation, online services for joint editing of documents, eduPad, Google Docs, Wikispaces, writing skills
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Issue: 7, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 73 — 78
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