DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-7-79-86
In accordance with the personality-oriented and practice-oriented approaches, the article introduces criteria and scales for evaluating the results and the process of project activities, which foreign philology students practise while developing primary professional skills and preparing for pedagogical practice. Projects developed and implemented by students are usually individual due to the interethnic nature of student groups. They contribute to the development of intercultural communication, since in the course of projects the undergraduates introduce Russian speakers (and representatives of other nationalities who speak Russian) to cultural and linguistic features of their native countries and at the same time are becoming more and more aware of the cultural and linguistic features of the country of the studied language (Russia). In this regard, the understanding of project-making technology and the consideration of a number of factors (social and cultural, linguistic, etc.) are very important for the teacher. The knowledge of these allows the teacher not only to help foreign students in choosing the topic and the master class for the project, in arranging an individual trajectory of the project activity and in the timely and qualitative implementation of the tasks set, but also to adequately assess the results of the activity. The method of projects is based on the project practice, according to which at each stage (preparatory, main and final) certain skills such as reflective skills, search for information skills, presentational skills, organizational skills, communication skills and skills of group and individual work are formed. In this regard, the choice of assessment tools offered in the article (report on the results of the project; the project data sheet; the summary of the project; presentation; photos and videos; essays; student’s work review ; training; discussion) is justified taking into account not only the goals and objectives of project practices, activities, specific aspects of evaluation (project development, results, its structure, presentation), but also the list of competencies being developed, among which the most important are communicative, intercultural and information ones. When defining criteria and indicators for certain assessment tools (essay, summary, etc.) State Educational Standard in Russian as a Foreign Language, which sets out the requirements for specific communication skills (e.g. writing skills and speaking skills), and Federal Educational Standard of Higher Education 45.04.01 Philology play an important role as regulatory documents. The number of criteria and points is determined on the basis of the methodological importance of specific evaluation tools. The teacher’s review of the student’s work during pedagogical practice is of particular importance when counting the total number of points which can be scored for the project. The five-point rating scale is adopted for the final mark for the whole project as it is considered the most comfortable and familiar for both teachers and students.
Keywords: project practice, evaluation criteria, professional competence, evaluat ion tool, rating scale
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Issue: 7, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 79 — 86
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