DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-7-96-102
The relevance of this study is due to the fact that the high level of speech activity ensures the establishment of positive interpersonal relationships of preschoolers with peers and the child’s occupation of a certain status position in the children’s collective. The author raises the question of comparative characteristics of speech activity of preschool children with different sociometric statuses. The article describes the criteria, indicators and levels of speech activity of preschool children, which are used in the organization of observations of children of different sociometric statuses in free play and organized joint activities. In particular, such criteria of speech activity as initiative, type of speech communication, speech motivation, content and emotional expressiveness are highlighted. The results of the experiment, for example, revealed a high level of speech activity in children with the status of “stars”, the middle and low level of speech. The detailed description of levels and characteristics of speech activity of preschool children with different sociometric statuses is given. Statistics of comparison of criteria, levels of speech activity of children with different sociometric statuses and explanation of such differences are presented. Thus, the study revealed differences between children with the status of “stars” and “isolated” according to the criteria of speech initiative, motivation and types of speech communication.
Keywords: speech, activity, speech activity, socialization, interpersonal relations, sociometric status, preschool children, influence, group of peers
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Issue: 7, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 96 — 102
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