DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-7-149-155
The article studies the relevance of forming foreign language communicative professional competence in students of information and communication training programs. The article states the definition of competence, studies the process of teaching students a foreign language for specific purposes and the techniques of educational process organization. The foreign communicative professional competence is defined by the authors as multicomponent, that combines foreign, communicative, educational, intercultural and professional competences. The authors present the foreign communicative professional competence as the ability and readiness of students to account the main linguistic features of the foreign language in the communication. The students develop professional skills with the help of material in a foreign language by the analysis, comparison and the determination of prospective changes in the professional field and the discussion of obtained results for the solution of main tasks in a professional activity. The authors share their experience of using the educational methodology course Infotech English for Computer Users for the formation of foreign language communicative professional competence of students of information and communication training programs. Different sections of the textbook are aimed at the formation of every component of foreign language communicative professional competence. The key advantage of the course is the ability to develop all types of speech activity. The arrangement of educational material in the course allows the teachers to manage the educational process in accordance with the students’ level of foreign language and the necessary results. The article gives a detailed description of all sections of this course. The course promotes the formation and development of each component of the foreign language communicative professional competence.
Keywords: English for specific purposes, foreign language communicative professional competence, educational methodology course Infotech English for Computer Users
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Issue: 7, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 149 — 155
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