DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-7-156-159
The article considers the problem of effectiveness of the process of military training, which is especially important today in the preparation of command and engineering staff for the Russian Federation air force. The internship is designed to consolidate the positive motivation of cadets in their chosen profession, understanding its importance for strengthening the country’s defense capability, growing cadets’ initiatives, will, resourcefulness, a sense of personal responsibility. Independent work during the military internship is a specific pedagogical means of organization and management of independent activity of cadets. For effective implementation of independent work, you must observe certain conditions, which are an important prerequisite for influencing the effectiveness of independent work of cadets. Analysis of literary sources, regulatory materials, as well as studies that define the pedagogical conditions, the effectiveness of the organization of students’ independent work in the process of military construction internships: the professional competence of internship managers who are appointed from teachers and cadets’ commanders; effective methodical organization of work; providing cadets with the necessary educational materials; quality control of independent work of students in the course of their professional formation. Monitoring the results of independent work of cadets is carried out simultaneously with the current control and in the implementation of the outcome of the military control of an internship. The same evaluation criteria are considered in the article results of independent work. The educational process of organizing independent work of students in the course of military internships implied the realization of the pedagogical conditions selected by us. The results of experimental work showed positive implementation of the pedagogical conditions and attitudes towards improving the quality of the professional activities of the cadets.
Keywords: pedagogical conditions, independent work, cadets, military training
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Issue: 7, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 156 — 159
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