DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-8-51-55
The heterogeneity of the category of possessiveness conditioned the emergence of different points of view on its structure. There is a vision of the category of possessiveness as a binary opposition. According to the semantics of the name of the possessor, his person, animacy, the degree of his concreteness or abstractness, and the semantics of the object of possession, many linguists distinguish such oppositions as alienable/unalienable appurtenance, internal/external possession, temporary/permanent possessiveness, absolute/relative appurtenance, actual/virtual possession, legal/somatic appurtenance. In the context of the gradual opposition possessive relations can be represented in the form of absolute/relative appurtenance, inalienable appurtenance, relatively inalienable possession, occasionally inalienable and properly alienable appurtenance. According to another interpretation, the object can be inalienable, semi-alienable and alienable. Onomasiological approach proponents describe the possessiveness using as a basis the extra linguistic reality: they describe eventual types of possessors, potential types of objects of possession, try to anticipate their potential relationship. Semasiological approach supporters take as a basis specific language and speech facts – various possessive constructions. They analyze the influence of the form of possessive constructions (presence/absence of noun determiners, verbs) on its semantics.
Keywords: opposition, unalienable possession, alienable possession, internal possession, external possession, temporary possession, permanent possession, actual possession, virtual possession, onomasiological approach, semasiological approach
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Issue: 8, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 51 — 55
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