DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-1-67-73
Introduction. The article describes the prerequisites for addressing the Krasnoyarsk anthology, which is the phenomenon of two-address literature (for schoolchildren and adults). Aim and objectives. The purpose of the survey was to examine the key motifs of poetic and prose works included in the “Anthology for children” of Krasnoyarsk Territory (2017). Materials and research methods. The author uses the method of motive and thematic analysis. The author analyzes the key motifs of the poetic and prose works, included in the “Anthology of literature for children” of the Krasnoyarsk Territory (2017). The anthology includes poems and prose of 58 authors. The compilers of the anthology included texts of various genres: prose (for example, M. Koryakin), fairy tales (V. Nesterenko, L. Rychkova), prose miniature (E. Zharikova), lyrical poetry (A. Dudin, N. Iva), excerpts from the poem (M. Tarkovsky, O. Aksenova), poetic alphabet (N. Anishina), puzzles (K. Eremin, M. Radkevich). The texts were written during the second half of the twentieth century and at the beginning of the XXI century. At present, regional studies have a high scientific value. The author turns to the anthology, published in 2017. The study reveals an auto-reference of Siberia in poetry and prose of both the Soviet and the post-Soviet period. Results and discussion. Writers of the mid-twentieth century reproduce in their works an ontological model of the world. In different texts, one can see the mythological model of the world as a repeating cycle. The main motives organizing this model of the world are such as the model of an anthropomorphic, creative taiga and the motive of an ideal, free childhood. Conclusion. The key conflict in the texts of the middle of XX century is the conflict between nature and urban civilization. However, in the texts of the early 21st century, the ontological picture of the world gives way to the game perception of the world.
Keywords: contemporary literature for children, writers of Krasnoyarsk, Siberian poetry, Siberian prose, analysis of motives
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Issue: 1, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 67 — 73
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