DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-2-34-40
Introduction. The need for the formation of grammatical skills associated with the competent construction of statements, determines the communicative activity approach in teaching the Russian language as a foreign. In most cases, it is the predicate that constitutes the core of the minimal syntactic unit – a phrase, which in turn serves to build the basic communicative unit of speech ‒ the sentence. Therefore, the study of grammatical forms of the verb as a part of speech plays a very important role already at the initial stage of learning the Russian language as a foreign. The aim of the article is the systematization of theoretical information and patterns of the studied linguistic phenomenon and the creation of a system of exercises aimed at understanding the linguistic foundations and automating the skill of forming verb forms of the present tense category. Material and methods. The methodological basis of the work is the concept of intensive teaching of foreign languages, based on the communicative-activity approach and on the general didactic principles. The focus of the research is a comparative analysis of the ways of presenting theoretical and didactic material in the formation of grammatical skills at the initial stage of teaching Russian language as a foreign, as well as qualitative analysis of the results of pedagogical activity. Results and discussion. For the successful formation of the skill of using verbs in speech, not only minimal theoretical information about the distribution of this part of speech by conjugation type is necessary, but also familiarity with such a morphological phenomenon of the Russian language as historical alternations of final consonant sounds of root morphemes in the formation of personal verb forms in the present tense. Analysis of the research results shows that in the process of teaching the language, the most effective is the practical application of theoretical knowledge due to their conscious assimilation, which contributes to the development of a stable skill of reproducing the information laid on a conceptual basis, which is necessary for solving specific communicative tasks. The result of the study of this issue and pedagogical experience are summary tables that ensure the implementation of the general didactic principle of use of visual methods in studying new material and contribute to the systematization of theoretical knowledge, as well as specific exercises that can find practical application both in forming the ability to create a paradigm of the present, and in automating skills correct use in speech of verbal forms. Conclusion. One of the most pressing issues in Methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language is the formation of personal forms of verbs in the present tense. Thus, the system of linguistic and speech exercises, which is based on general didactic principles taking into account linguistic phenomena caused by the history of language development, and can be used at the initial stage of training, has a special practical significance.
Keywords: the Russian language as foreign, methodics of teaching, principle of use of visual methods, conjugation, verbal forms, the present tense, historical rotation
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Issue: 2, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 34 — 40
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