DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-2-41-48
Introduction. The study of different aspects of cognitive activity and its reflection in various types of texts is a topical problem of cognitive linguistics and communicative theory of the text including communicative stylistics. Therein a research of associative author’s activity and addressee of a text is of great interest, particularly an analysis of associative field of poetic text in cognitive aspect in the network of regulative theory and theory of textual associations, which are elaborated in communicative stylistics of text. The aim of the article is the detection of important for the text interpretation regularities of cognitive activity of collective addressee (reader) on the basis of reactions to poetic text-stimulus and modelling of its associative field. Material and Methods of research. In concordance with the methodological base of communicative stylistics of the text for researching of textual associations, we used data of associative lexicography, results of the free associative experiment for the text perception, modelling of the text associative field on the basis of the collected data, the subsequent comparative analysis, examination of the lexical text structure and key words in image prospective of a whole verse as well as introspection method. Results. The research was done on the data of the associative experiment according to readers’ perception of a verse by M. Tsvetaeva “Сountry”. The connection of text-induced associations with its lexical structure and keywords updated by the author is substantiated in the article. The dependence of associative development of poetic text on its regulative potential and inductive lexical structure of contrast type were determined. Typical and individual readers’ associations with the text were revealed, invariant character of association ways, its conditionality by structure, semantics and pragmatics were determined. The typical ways of associations are the following: reactions that reflect emotional tone of the text, its idea and thematic originality, key words, which became actual in the text by the author, author’s elements of text lexical structure, that are commented by precise definitions, additions and abstracts. We found out reactions, which reflect visual and sound world picture as well as stimulated by emotional tone of textstimulus; reactions, which were conditioned by text theme and author’s elements of textual lexical paradigms in the text structure; reactions of cultural character, that reflect individual thesaurus of readers. All these reactions were identified among not common associations along with single not interpreted linguistically. Generality and differences of certain reactions and ways of associating in textual associative field of the verse “Сountry” by M. Tsvetaeva with main ways of associating with key word country in “The Russian Associative Dictionary” were defined. Conclusion. The proposed approach to the research of cognitive (interpretative) reader’s activity of poetic text showed that collective associative field of the text, which reflects its regulative potential and formal and semantic structure, revealed in independent associative experiment, allowed making a conclusion about some cognitive activity peculiarities of informants – subjects of text-stimulus perception.
Keywords: theory of text associations, poetic text, associative experiment, associative field of text, lexical text structure, regulative theory, cognitive activity
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Issue: 2, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 41 — 48
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