DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-4-49-56
Introduction. The achromatic color terms and methods of their word-formation in different linguistic cultures - Kazakh, Altai, Russian are compared and analyzed. Adjectives that naming color are an important feature of describing differences in the objects of the surrounding world which effects a person’s perception and emotional state. The system of word-formation of color names, characteristic for the languages under consideration, is a set of nominative units that are diverse in terms of structure. The subject of research is achromatic color vocabulary in the Kazakh, Altai and Russian languages. The aim of the work is to consider the methods of word formation of color terms in the Kazakh, Altai and Russian languages and to determine the general and specific features of word formation. For the first time, a comparative analysis of the derivation of color terms in the Kazakh, Altai and Russian languages was carried out. Among the methods of research is a comparative one. Results and discussion. The lexico-semantic field of color has a high degree of organization. Although color terms belong to different parts of speech, adjectives belong to the most significant group. The main emphasis is on the grammatical features of adjectives in Kazakh, Altaic and Russian. Color adjectives of the analyzed languages belong to the group of qualitative adjectives perceived by the senses, from which a comparative degree is formed. Morphological way of word formation is the basic one in the formation of color designation and color names in the Kazakh, Altai and Russian languages. This formed a whole series of parametric values of the sufficiency or insufficiency of color, the degree of intensity and color saturation (high or low), the gradation of signs. The morphological way of word-formation of color descriptions involves the formation of color terms with the help of derivational affixes. This way of forming adjectives is most productive in the languages. It is the most prospective and dominant way of word-production of color adjectives. Other methods of word formation are considered; they are composing, partial or complete reduplication, the use of qualifiers, pair words, and comparative constructions with color components. Color designation comparisons were revealed similarity and difference in Kazakh, Altaic and Russian languages. Conclusion. The word-formative analysis of color adjectives make it possible to conclude that the Kazakh, Altaic and Russian languages have a fairly extensive word-formation potential in terms of the possibility of expanding and enriching the lexico-semantic group of color-values.
Keywords: color semantics, color designation, achromatic color, word formation, affixation, degree of comparison, comparative analysis
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Issue: 4, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 49 — 56
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