The Poetical Grammar as the Cosmology of A. Platonov's (Barsht K.A. The Poetics of Andrej Platonov's Prose. SPb., 2000. 320 p.)
The author of the article is reviewing K.A. Barsht's monograph «The Poetics of Andrej Platonov's prose». The book is evaluated against the background of multi¬ple investigations dealing with different pieces and as¬pects of the creative work of the writer. The author of the article points out that K.A. Barsht has investigated the whole of Platonov's prose as a poetical system, he has discovered and described very convincingly the basic images - signs of Platonov's prose and their semantic chains recreating the original ontology and cosmology of the writer.
Issue: 1, 2003
Series of issue: Humanities (Philology)
Rubric: New Books and Reviews
Pages: 92 — 94
Downloads: 1037