DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-5-79-87
Introduction. The object of this article is represented by Tomsk realionims, which are specific, meaningful elements of national, cultural, historical plan. The need for their description is dictated by the expansion of cooperation in the field of tourism, education, science and the associated need for translation into German and English. Tomsk realionims are endemic units used in the given historical environment of the Russian community and unknown in other communicative environments. As adequate and equivalent realionims transmission often becomes a difficult task, there appears a need to analyze locally-specific units in different aspects for the further development of criteria for the translation of the specified onomastic segment. The aim of this article is to propose selection criteria and approaches to the description of Tomsk realionims, and to determine the aspects of corpora analysis. Material and methods. The methodological basis of the work is the nexus of two approaches – onomasiological and environmental. The onomasiological approach provides an opportunity to examine the content side of Tomsk realionims and implement thematic, structural segregation; the environmental approach limits the distributive radius of the studied phenomena to a specific communication area, which is represented by Tomsk and Tomsk region. During the analysis of material corpora the following logic methods are used: analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, comparison, generalization; quantitative methods, grouping method, component analysis method. Results and discussion. Scientific novelty is determined by the developed criteria for the selection of endemic units of Tomsk and Tomsk region, as well as by the allocation of structural classes of realionims for subsequent translation needs. This article presents the results of the onomastic analysis of Tomsk realionims (Tomsk realionims analyzed corpora contains 925 units, selected by the continuous sampling method and the structural systematization method); the importance of functional aspect in the criteria development for the translation of Tomsk realionims. The article lays about a comparative analysis of the study results of the Russian-language corpora including realionims of Tomsk and Tomsk region with the study results by V. E. Tuzova, which showed different results. For example, in the corpora of Tomsk realionims, assembled by V. E. Tuzova, the most numerous group is the onomastic segment of state administrative apparatus and of public life. It is obvious that the different results of compared studies were influenced by the different criteria for material selection. The quantitative parameters of the corpora are given here, the groups of realionims with onomastic segment are presented in detail, since this segment as a percentage is 62 % of the total number of selected units. Conclusion. The obtained data of Tomsk realionims corpora analysis can be used to develop some criteria for the translation of endemic units and the subsequent parallelization of different languages corpora.
Keywords: environmental approach, onomasiological approach, structural classes of realionims, Russian corpora of Tomsk realionims, onomastic segment, endemic vocabulary
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Issue: 5, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 79 — 87
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