DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-8-61-70
Introduction. At present, the study of integration of education, its types and forms is relevant both for the development of the entire educational system and its part, – vocational education. The goal of integration in the system of vocational education is the goal of achieving international standards for the training of specialists in accordance with the international standards of Worldskills. For the vocational education system, integration and mentoring are essentially the real mechanisms that will lead the vocational education system to achieve the targeted results planned in the national project. As shown by many years of experience in implementation, it brings great benefits for such professions of paramedical workers as a nurse, paramedic, and midwife. In the formation of future medical workers, the role of a mentor, his personal and professional portrait plays one of the leading roles for the formation of a holistic image of a future medical specialist and the formation of the further professional path of a young specialist. After all, a medical professional must possess not only professional skills, be able to perform medical manipulations, but also possess professionally essential personality traits. Material and methods. The content of the article reflects a theoretical analysis of the scientific problem posed, the empirical data of experimental activities on the modernization of the mentoring system and its use to integrate the activities of Tomsk Basic Medical College and several enterprises interested in highly qualified graduates are summarized. Conclusion. The revival and development of the mentoring institute in the context of integration processes allows us to logically complete the process of forming the professional identity of a mid-level medical specialist and fix it at the workplace. The integration of vocational education and production allows us to diversify the types of educational, production and research activities of students; as a result, a person receives versatile training as an individual, as a person and as a subject.
Keywords: integration processes in education, vocational training, quality of education, mentoring system
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Issue: 8, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 8
Pages: 61 — 70
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