DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-9-111-120
Introduction. Researching of different informational and media language personalities is of great interest in connection with intensive role of new information technologies and their influence on thinking, world picture and speech behavior of up-to-date person. The relevance of this study is connected with it. The research points to detection of different types of modern political essays writers. The aim of the article – determination of typical and individual peculiarities of up-to-date political essays writers as informational and media language personalities subject to different models of their speech behavior and reaction to topical informational reasons. Material and methods of research are based on discursive, semantic and stylistic, comparative analysis usage supported by regulative theory as one of communicative stylistic of text trend. Results and discussion. Peculiarities of modern political essays writers as a syncretic information and media language personality with critical thinking, a desire and the ability to prove and argue his opinion, polemic approach in understanding various informational issues relevant for society, strongly pronounced rhetorical competence, a lively media image and a special idiostyle, mainly oriented to nonconformism. The types of modern political essays writers on basis of their speech behavior and aims are revealed. They are the following: 1) hyperrealist (distinguishing capacity of this type is naturalism, factuality, demonstrativity); 2) political essays writer-enlightener (he can be an expert or moral authority, be engaged in educational or enlightening activity); 3) political essays writer-enlightenerromantic (passionate about his own picture of the world, his principles, harmonious, has his own rich experience, positive attitude); 4) political essays writer-enlightener-ideologist (a fanatic-propagandist, faithful to a definite ideology, which he passionately upholds and imposes, builds a dichotomy or antinomy, is paradoxical). Common and individual regulative means, structures and ways of regulativity, which are typical for media discourse of modern political essays writers and for individual discursive practices of media personalities are revealed. Individual peculiarities of political essays writers are the following: difference in intensions, scale of informational reasons for controversy; choice of means and ways of influence on mass audience, availability of author’s regulative means and structures, logical and/or rhetorical argumentation in media discourse. Conclusion. The proposed approach to studying a modern political essays writers’ media discourse from the point of view of typical and individual manifestations of these information and media language personalities revealed that detected types of language personalities which show themselves in speech behavior are different in their aim, means and effect of influence, which is due not only to objective factors, but individual copyright features of these individuals, but individual and author’s peculiarities of these personalities. These findings are of interest for media linguistics, linguistic personology, theory of speech influence, speech conflict study, communicative stylistics of text.
Keywords: media discourse, informational and media language personality, types of informational and media language personalities of political essays writers, communicative stylistics of text, regulative theory
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Issue: 9, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 111 — 120
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