DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2020-1-24-32
Introduction. The appeal of teachers, scientists to the scientific concept of “regional environment” is a timely need, due to global changes and the deepening cultural differences of each region. Knowledge of the achievements of the multinational environment of the region is considered as an important condition for the development of a multi-ethnic culture, ensuring conflict-free interaction between schoolchildren and representatives of different cultures and an important factor in a conscious understanding of the regional construct “past, present, future” of the region in unity and in interconnection. The purpose of the article is to reveal the possibilities of teaching aids based on the multinational environment of the region in the development of a multi-ethnic culture of schoolchildren, to identify their functional and didactic significance, and conditions of use. Materials and methods. The research material was developed on the basis of the multinational environment of the region: content modules, printed media (tables, maps, developmental tasks, technologies). The following methods were used: theoretical and methodological analysis of the leading concepts on the topic under study, content analysis, a selection of leading authors on the studied problem, comparative, benchmarking analysis). In the study of pedagogical experience, the method of classification, analogies, content analysis was used. Empirical methods included questioning, conversation, comparative analysis. Statistical methods were based on mathematical analysis methods. Results. Content modules based on the multinational environment of the region that enhance the variability and invariant of subject knowledge have been developed and implemented: the cultural module reveals the multi-ethnic function of subject knowledge through studying the culture of ethnic groups, their role in the development of the region; the historical module creates a holistic view of the history of the region, multinational construction sites, heroes, discoverers of the Siberian land; ecological - geographical module takes into account the living conditions of ethnic groups with a rapid change of technology; socio-economic module shows the role of ethnic groups in the development of natural resources, industry of the region. The necessity of the phased development of a multi-ethnic culture of schoolchildren through the consistent inclusion of teaching aids based on the multinational environment of the region (texts, tables, maps (personal, cognitive, informational, web-quests); a system of developing tasks, interactive technologies that update knowledge and skills of a multi-ethnic nature is proved. Conclusion. At the end of the article, the results of the study are summarized, the practical significance of the use of teaching aids based on the multinational environment of the region as the basis for the development of a multi-ethnic culture of students is revealed.
Keywords: region, regional space, regional environment, teaching aids, multi-ethnic culture
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Issue: 1, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 24 — 32
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