DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2020-2-14-20
Introduction. The article deals with identification and analysis of collocations in new type of user’s manual – For Dummies. The relevance of the study is explained by the increasing interest of linguists to the investigation of functional aspect in general аnd absence of specialized research of collocations in new type of user’s manuals. The aim of the article is to identify the types of collocations, their semantics and functions in the texts of new types of user’s manuals (by the example of For Dummies). Methods and material. The method of the research is functional-semantic analysis. The material of the study was the texts of new user’s manual “for dummies” Results and novelty of the research. The analysis has shown that new types of user’s manuals differ from traditional manuals in use of expressive and occasional collocations. The presence of usual and terminological collocations brings together new instructions with traditional ones. Special attention is given to the identification of the type of lexical semantic violation. Occasional collocations made on the basis of epithet, metaphor and oxymoron have been found in For Dummies. It was concluded that expressive and occasional collocations perform attractive, evaluative and expressive functions which help to realize the communicative aim of influencing the reader. The research novelty is to investigate the role of collocations in terms of communicative aim of text. Conclusion. The author’s contribution in investigation of collocations in new types of user’s manuals is noted in conclusion of the article. The use of special type of lexical units that have expressive potential allows to consider For Dummies as a new type of user’s manual.
Keywords: traditional collocations, terminological collocations, expressive collocations, occasional collocations, For Dummies, communicative aim of the text
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Issue: 2, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 14 — 20
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