DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2020-2-21-28
Introduction. In this article we study the secondary nominations of football teams and players in English and Russian, which are created by contextual synonyms (CS) and follow specific semantic schemes identified by us in the result of the research on football texts. The purpose of this research is to study semantic nomination schemes in English and Russian in order to establish similarities and differences in the processes of nomination and reference in the researched languages. Material and methods. The object of this study is football discourse. We looked at football coverages, articles, reports, interviews and live-text commentaries. We did not distinguish between different genres of football texts since our main focus and research subject was contextual synonymy that creates plurality of nominations. The main research methods are contextual-semantic analysis of nominations, discourse analysis, descriptive, comparative and contrastive methods. Results and discussion. We identified the schemes of secondary nomination of football teams and players that reoccur in football discourse “travelling” from one text to another. This can be indicative of relative versatility of these schemes for multiple football discourse texts. We compared the English semantic schemes with the Russian ones, identified by us in our previous research. We discovered 14 equivalent schemes common for both languages. In addition, we looked at schemes that differ in certain ways in the researched languages, or are missing at all in one of them. Conclusion. In both English and Russian, there are multiple contextually synonymous nominations of football teams and players, which follow similar semantic schemes. However, each of the languages under study shows its specific nature when it comes to forming some nominations due to structural and systemic differences of the languages. The knowledge of these schemes, especially their differences proves useful in teaching and practice of translation and interpretation, and also in journalists’ and commentators’ praxis.
Keywords: contextual synonymy, contextual synonyms, nomination, semantic nomination schemes, contextualsemantic analysis of nominations
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Issue: 2, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 21 — 28
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