DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2020-2-29-36
Introduction. This article is devoted to studying a special type of network of the Russian Diaspora discourse is the discourse of the Russian-speaking Diaspora of China as a representative of the Russian linguistic culture, which is focused in the area of Chinese culture. Along with xenonyms-realities, xenonyms-interpretatives are distinguished in this discourse. If xenonyms-realities are signs of non-equivalent, initially ethnospecific phenomena and concepts of foreign-language reality, then xenonyms-interpretatives have full-fledged lexical correspondences in the recipient language, are not marked by ethno-cultural marking in the matrix language and serve the perception, understanding and interpretation of foreign language and socio-cultural reality by the Diaspora community. Material and methods. The material of the research is more than 1000 texts of network communication of the Russian-speaking Diaspora community of China, including the xenonym-interpretative chabudou. Along with the methodological tools of interlinguoculturology, derivatology and lexical semantics, the methods of contextual and discourse analysis, as well as corpus and experimental linguistics are used. Results and discussion. The analysis of data from the Online Chinese corpus and the results of a pilot experiment aimed at identifying indications of the language consciousness of Chinese students shows that the Chinese adverb 差不多 chabuduo is a typical frequency word in everyday Chinese word usage and is not endowed with special linguistic and cultural significance as an ethnospecific concept. As a reference means of expressing the universal semantic category of approximation, it has direct equivalent in the Russian language: примерно (about), приблизительно (approximately), почти (almost). However, in the course of entering into the network Russian-speaking diasporal discourse and adapting in it to the function of the xenonym-interpretative adverb chabudou undergoes a number of morphological-syntactic and lexical-semantic transformations during its entry into the network Russian-speaking diasporal discourse and adaptation in it. The main ones in this series are the substantiation of the adverb that contributes to the conceptualization of the characteristic parameters, the expansion of the range of syntactic positions of the lexeme, its inclusion in a variety of word-forming and semantic derivative modifications. Conclusion. At the level of the hypertext of discourse xenonym-interpretative is endowed with a special ethnospecific meaning, there is an intensive increase in the frequency of its use, the introduction of the xenonym into the structure of quasi-precedent statements and other forms of linguocreative practices of the network Diaspora community.
Keywords: network discourse of the Russian-speaking Diaspora of China, xenonyms-realities, xenonymsinterpretatives
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Issue: 2, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 29 — 36
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