DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2020-2-37-48
Introduction. The research explored representation of the concept freedom in the Code as a nuclear genre of legal document discourse. Aim and objectives of the article are to identify the specifics of implementation of the concept freedom, defined by modus-dictum organization of legal discourse and the specifics of the Code as its nuclear genre. Material and methods. The research material consists of the Codes of the Russian Federation, which are Family, Labour, Housing, Civil, and Criminal Codes. The selection of material is determined in accordance with the nuclear status of this genre in legal text. Being one of the main documents of legal discourse, the Code as well as the Constitution of the Russian Federation, reflects the foundations of Russian law. Freedom, as a key concept of Russian culture, is specifically represented in legal discourse. The methodology includes discourse and concept analysis: we observe discursive and genre features from the position of the Code in genre system of legal discourse. Freedom is analyzed through comparing this concept in the system of Russian linguistic world-image on the whole (based on material from studies already conducted) with legal discourse in particular. Results and discussion. We found that the concept freedom, in contrast to its common representation in Russian linguistic world-image, has a particular non-binary specificity and is transformed through the law. In everyday language, there is an opposition freedom (will)/unfreedom, and in the Code freedom is realized through a permissive (what can be done within the framework of the law), prohibitive modus (what is criminally punishable and prescribed through unfreedom, i.e. arrest), and a modus of obligation (what is required to be done by law). In addition, freedom in the Codes is influenced by their thematic sphere: there are freedom of family, labour, housing, and civil relationships. In opposition is what is prohibited to do and guarantees unfreedom (represented by the Criminal Code). Conclusion. Freedom in the legal document discourse is an officially recorded ability of a person to operate within the confines of the law. The Code as a nuclear genre of legal discourse transforms the concept through its modus-dictum modification. As a result, pivotal for the implementation of the concept freedom is the law, as well as the basic concepts of each selected Code – family, labour, housing, citizen, and punishment.
Keywords: concept freedom, Russian linguistic world-image, legal document discourse, genre of the Code, dictum and modus of discourse
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Issue: 2, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 37 — 48
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