DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2020-2-49-54
Introduction. Nowadays the sphere of construction engineering is one of the fast-developing fields. Owing to the advanced construction technology development new words appear in the Russian language. The purpose of the article is to discover and describe the latest professional borrowings related to the field of innovative construction technologies and introduced into Russian in the 21st century. The objectives of the paper are the material selection, the definition of the sources and time of borrowings being analyzed, and creating the classification of foreign terminological units. Material and methods. The material for the study is the latest borrowings in the sphere of construction engineering appeared in the Russian language in the 21st century and used in the professional discourse (web-sites for construction professionals). The basis of the methodology lies in the descriptive and comparative methods. Results and discussion. The article contains a short theoretical overview of borrowings in Russian. The study shows that most of the terminological units denoting advanced construction technologies are borrowed from other languages with the technology itself. The major part of the given terminological units is borrowed from English and represents loanwords, calques and partial calques. Moreover, with the purpose of stating the time of borrowings all terminological units were searched for in the National Corpus of the Russian Language. It appeared that the majority of terms are not recorded either in the National Corpus of the Russian Language or in terminological dictionaries. Conclusion. Modern construction vocabulary of the 21st century is represented mostly by anglicisms among which there are lexical and semantic borrowings (calques and partial calques). The article has analyzed terminological units not previously recorded in either terminological dictionaries or National Corpus of the Russian Language. The practical value enables to use the article materials for academic and lexicographical purposes.
Keywords: construction terminology, latest borrowings, lexical and semantic borrowings, calques, partial calques
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Issue: 2, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 49 — 54
Downloads: 879