DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2020-2-103-110
Introduction. The amateurish text is a notable phenomenon of modern mass (not elitist) speech culture. Factors that ensure the promotion of this type of text in the media include the priority of the hedonistic function to the detriment of the cognitive, as well as the interest of society in the public figure, which the media institute provides an opportunity to speak on issues not related to education and profession. The aim of the article is to study the perception of an amateurish text (its content and form) by different groups of recipients. The research issues are aimed at identifying the heterogeneity of mass speech culture by comparing the estimated positions of different recipients of the same text. Material and methods. As an example of amateurish text, the text of the chief editor of a glossy magazine is used, which emphasizes distance from specialists in the field of knowledge (philology) that he discusses. Based on the semantic- stylistic method, speech material obtained in a psycholinguistic experiment, that is, secondary reaction texts, is analyzed. Recipients are divided into three groups: non-specialists from 18 to 44 years old; non-specialists from 50 to 62 years old; students studying in the direction of “Philology”. Results and discussion. It is established that the text broadcasts relatively reliable information (scientific and semiscientific knowledge, a linguistic myth), contains factual errors. An experimental study of evaluative reactions to the text shows that the information transmitted by the text is uncritically accepted by a significant part of the recipients. Non-specialists regard the amateur as a social type depending on age: young participants in the experiment are more loyal to him than senior group recipients. Students who have mastered the problem under discussion in theory and practice speak out sharply negatively about amateur judgments. Assessment of the speech features of the text correlate with the assessment of content. The younger group approves of the humor, accessibility, “ease” with which the information is presented; the senior group notes in the text speech aggression, violation of ethical standards. Philologists in their assessments of the author’s speech style are closer to the older group, that is, more conservative than their peers. Conclusion. Evaluative reactions to one of the varieties of modern mass culture – the amateurish text – allow us to talk about the heterogeneity of this culture, namely the existence of an older and younger communicative norm. The positions of the younger norm in mass speech culture are stronger. This conclusion is based on the fact that the speech features of the source text, which received approval from the younger group recipients, and disapproval of the senior recipients, are considered in modern style as the most striking features of the press as a whole.
Keywords: mass speech culture, amateur text, text perception, text assessment, junior communicative norm, senior communicative norm
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Issue: 2, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 103 — 110
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