DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2020-2-76-84
Introduction. The article is devoted to the cognitive and semasiological study of the metaphorization of taste characteristics (delicious, sweet, sour, fresh, etc.) that make up one of the significant segments of the conceptual gastronomic metaphor. Aim and objectives – to study the directions of metaphorization of figurative units motivated by adjectives with the original semantics of taste properties; to identify the bases of figurative analogies; to describe a fragment of the Russian language picture of the world presented by the system of figurative means of the language reflecting the characteristic food metaphor. Material and methods. The research material was made up of about 200 figurative lexical and phraseological units of the Russian language, reflecting the metaphorization of the properties of food products, metaphorically motivated by 15 adjectives. The study is based on the theory of the figurative structure of the language, in particular, the method of describing the lexical and semantic field is used. Results and discussion. Cognitive grounds for metaphorical characterization of various objects of reality are the nature and evaluation of sensations that occur in the subject of eating: 1) pleasant/unpleasant taste, 2) pronounced/ weakly pronounced taste, 3) high/low degree of suitability for eating. Conclusion. The figurative words and expressions, motivated by names of taste qualities, metaphorically characterize objects and phenomena of various spheres of reality: appearance, emotional state, character and behavior of a person; style and content of speech and artistic works; financial significance of economic objects; human attitude to the phenomena and events of life.
Keywords: food metaphor, figurative vocabulary, adjective metaphor, cognitive model
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Issue: 2, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 76 — 84
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