Aerobic Exercises as Improvement in Technical Student Training Programme (Base on Body Ballet Technique)
The article describes how the integrated health-improving aerobics exercise programme based on the body ballet technique may increase physical and theoretical fitness, boost motivation of technical university students. Training effects of the integrated programme are compared with the results gained by doing exercises of traditional type. The approach under experiment includes a programme aimed at target training of aerobics capacity, strength as well as at learning body movement skills. The programme features some peculiarities of students’ theoretical background implementation and is carried out in a step-by-step way. A number of tests have been used to determine the efficiency of both experimental and traditional methods. The new experimental approach has proved to be the more beneficial, which is clearly shown by the results of the tests
Issue: 5, 2007
Series of issue: Pedagogy (Physical Training and Sports)
Pages: 50 — 56
Downloads: 1058