The Analysis of Influence by Means of Physical Training and Sports Combining the Methods of Psychological Corrections of Personality on Overcoming Antisocial Teenagers’ Behavior
This research work is devoted to the problems of the prophylactic of the antisocial teens turning aside behavior. In this research work the condition and reason of teens’ disruptive behavior are under analysis. The foreign and native experience of the prophylactic of teens’ disruptive behavior is considered. The contemporary situation with teenagers is considered to take into consideration the essential changes of criminal arranging in the country and state-political conditions and social-economic reorganization in the last period. The matching of the resource and methods pedagogical modification of antisocial teens’ disruptive behavior was realized on the basis of leading up pedagogical investigations
Issue: 5, 2007
Series of issue: Pedagogy (Physical Training and Sports)
Pages: 75 — 79
Downloads: 1014