Basic Reasons of Disability in Tomsk Region
An adverse ecological hygienic situation in Tomsk region is reflected in the dynamics of the incidence and disability indicators within 1991-2003 years. The common disease incidence is increased by 31,8 %. The number of people with a chronic pathology is increased by 54,2 %. The medical examination in 2002 revealed that 60,3 % of children at the age of 0 – 18 years have deviations in the state of health. An increase in the number of consumptive children by 30 % causes a particular alarm. In early 2004, 53 371 invalids were registered in the region. Among them, 62,3 % of townsmen and 37,7 % of villagers. An increase in the number of invalids of 1 and 2 groups is indicative of the worsening of the population health. The main reason of the disability is the group “systemic disease”. The cardiovascular diseases take first place, cancer diseases take second place, trauma and poisoning consequences take third place, diseases of bones and muscles take fourth place, and tuberculosis takes fifth place. The level of the children disability is increased by 24,6 %. The congenital anomalies take first place in the city, whereas the children mental disorders are in the lead in the village.
Issue: 5, 2007
Series of issue: Pedagogy (Physical Training and Sports)
Pages: 87 — 90
Downloads: 1177