DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2020-5-72-79
Introduction. The article describes the structural and semantic properties of derivatives with the suffix-ung, which is productive in the word formation of the modern German language. A brief historical reference contains information about the use and distribution of this suffix in the old high German and early high German periods. The aim of the article is to identify the morphological features, structural and semantiс properties of derivatives with the suffix -ung in the newspaper vocabulary of the modern German language. Material and methods. Sources for the analysis were German-language Newspapers, from which most of the selected material are the verbal nouns. The identified properties of derivatives confirm the existing theory in linguistics about the productivity of the suffix-ung, due to such factors as transitivity, the presence of a prefix or its absence, as well as the attribution of the generating base to a certain part of speech. These factors are fundamental in the work. Verbs are as generating bases in relation to the influence of transitivity on the word-forming possibilities of the suffixung. Results and discussion. Prefixed verbs act as frequency generating bases for the formation of ung-nouns. In such word-forming processes, the bases of verbs with inseparable prefixes predominate. The suffix-ung is subject to various interpretations, taking into account the correlation of the generating bases with any part of speech. The most frequent meaning of this suffix is the meaning of an action, process, result of an action, or object that arose as a result of this action, which indicates the reflection and preservation of verbal partial semantics in the semantic structure of derivatives. Conclusion. Structural and semantic properties of derivatives act as a mutually determining criterion for the frequent use of the suffix-ung in the word-formation processes of the modern German language. The obvious productivity of the suffix, characteristic of newspaper texts, is the basis for a prospective study of ung-nominalizations in various types of discourse.
Keywords: suffix-ung, derivatives, structural and semantic analysis, verbal nouns, transitivity, prefixality
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Issue: 5, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 72 — 79
Downloads: 697