DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2020-5-164-173
Introduction. The study of the lyrical plot of the work “For the Jubilee” [Yubileynoye] carried out for the first time helps to understand the work as a poem, finds in its basis the dynamics of overcoming of the hardest sincere condition of the hero in the course of an imaginary night dialogue with Pushkin in front of his monument on Tverskoy boulevard. The purposes of the study are defined by the necessity of finding the internal co-ordinates of self-identification of the hero – the main lines of the lyrical plot, motives defining them, changes of impulses-themes in the monologue, as well as the components and devices of the comical. The methodology of the study is defined by a complex of historical-genetic, historical-functional, and comparativehistorical methods, descriptive poetics, and poetics of non-classical art. Results and discussion. The basic results of the work are connected to the overcoming the tradition of Russian study of Mayakovsky’s works to place “For the Jubilee” among numerous poems-“conversations” of the poet, to distinguish it only in the connection with the certain event – the 125th anniversary of Pushkin’s birthday. New prospects of the research are opened taking into account that “For the Jubilee” was created in the direct time affinity to poems “About That” [Pro eto] and “Vladimir Ilyich Lenin”, with the important topic of metaphorical or real death, the problem of immortality and the lyrical hero overcoming boundaries of real space and time in his mental searches. As other bases of research, the transformations of components of the ancient plot of vision, the connotation of Pushkin’s works and signs of his destiny are examined, which are perceived by Mayakovsky-hero as remarks of the great poetpredecessor in the mental dialogue with him. Conclusion. The analysis of poetics of “For the Jubilee” shows the specific author’s use of a set of speech devices of the comical in self-characteristics. The comical accompanies the expression of the serious, the sharply dramatic in the destiny of the poem’s hero and acts as a function to overcome mental anguish, to return to life in its joyful creative modus.
Keywords: Mayakovsky, “The Anniversary”, Pushkin, poem, lyrical plot, vision, poetics, motive, the comical in non-comical work
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Issue: 5, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 164 — 173
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