DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2020-5-206-227
Introduction. The article is devoted to the 75th anniversary of professor V. Ye. Golovchiner. Aim and objectives. The aim of the article is to determine the stages and directions of scientific and pedagogical activity of Professor V. Golovchiner. Material and methods. The research material (articles, reports, monographs) by V. E. Golovchiner and her students served as the material for the study. The systematization and description of the results of scientific activity was carried out in comparison with the leading concepts of Russian philology. Results and discussion. For the first time, her scientific heritage is examined as a whole; the principles are revealed by which the scientist was guided during the different periods of her scientific activity; the key ideas of her papers are selected: 1. the formation of an epic drama as a specific direction in Russian literary process of the 20th century caused by cultural-historical conditions and having two typological versions – metaphorical and metonymical – with characteristic features of poetics; 2. the specifics of an artwork is in many respects caused by ancestral features as each literary genre has its own expressive possibilities; 3. the natural change of a genre paradigm during the era of nonclassical poetics leads to that the initial genres give way to the author’s models of creativity which represent a new way to end of an artistic whole. The theoretical relevance of the research: V. Ye. Golovchiner’s scientific heritage is introduced into the historical scientific context; the directions of her scientific activity are studied; the heuristic potential of theoretical positions is analyzed and theses of the main papers are shortly characterized. The practical relevance of the research: the conclusions and results of the research can be used to develop work programs of subjects in different areas of philology, to develop the teaching materials, guide books on the history of Russian literary criticism. Conclusion. The author of the paper comes to conclusions that the scientific developments of the professor are not only conceptual in certain questions of the theory of literature, open interesting historical literary facts but also reflect general trends of a philology science, develop the achievements of Tomsk school of literary criticism studying Russian drama.
Keywords: professor V. Ye. Golovchiner, review of scientific work, the history and theory of drama, literary criticism methodology
1. Golovchiner V. E. Epicheskiy teatr Evgeniya Shvartsa [Epic Theater by Ye. Schwarz]. Tomsk, TSPU Publ., 1991. 184 p. (in Russian).
2. Golovchiner V. E. Epicheskaya drama v russkoy literature ХХ veka [Epic drama in Russian literature of the XX century]. Tomsk, TSPU Publ., 2001. 241 p. (in Russian).
3. Golovchiner V. E. Deystviye i konflikt kak kategorii dramy [Action and conflict as a category of drama]. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta – TSPU Bulletin, 2000, no. 6 (22), pp. 65–71 (in Russian).
4. Golovchiner V. E. K voprosu o statuse epicheskoy dramy v sisteme dramaticheskogo roda [On the question on the status of an epic drama in the system of a drama genre]. Drama i teatr: sbornik nauchnykh trudov [Drama and theater: collection of proceedings]. Tver, Tver State University Publ., 2002. Pp. 7–22 (in Russian).
5. Golovchiner V. E. Deystviye kak spetsificheskaya kategoriya dramy [Action as a specific category of drama]. In: Ishchuk-Fadeyeva N. I. (ed.). Drama i teatr: sbornik nauchnykh trudov [Drama and theater: collection of proceedings]. Tver, Tver State University Publ., 2005. Pp. 6–17 (in Russian).
6. Golovchiner V. E. Neklassicheskaya drama v russkoy literature [Nonclassical drama in the Russian literature]. Literatura i teatr: materialy Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii, posvyashchennoy 90-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya zasluzhennogo deyatelya nauki RF, pochetnogo professora Samarskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta L’va Adol’fovicha Finka, 13–15 noyabrya, g. Samara [Literature and theatre: materials of the International scientific practical conference devoted to the 90th anniversary of the honoured worker of the science of the Russian Federation, the honourable professor of the Samara State University Lev Adolfovich Fink, November, 13–15th, Samara]. Executive editors Ye. L. Fink, L. G. Tyutelova. Samara, Samara university Publ., 2006. Pp. 46–60 (in Russian).
7. Golovchiner V. E. Tendentsii zhanrovo-rodovykh izmeneniy v russkoy literature XX v. [Trends of genre-ancestral changes in Russian literature of the 20th]. Russkaya literatura XX–XXI v.: problemy teorii i metodologii izucheniya. Materialy Tret’ey mezhdunar. nauchnoy konferentsii [Russian literature 20–21st: problems of theory and methodology of study: materials of the third international scientific conference]. Moscow, MSU Publ., 2008. Pp. 10–14 (in Russian).
8. Golovchiner V. E. Funktsii protosyuzheta v russkoy drame XX veka [Functions of protoplot in Russian drama of the XXth century]. Sibirskiy filologicheskiy zhurnal – Siberian Journal of Philology, 2010, no. 1, pp. 12–19 (in Russian).
9. Golovchiner V. E. K istorii voprosa ob epicheskom v drame [On the history of the question about epic in a drama]. In: Kiselyov N. N. (the editor-in-chief). Khudozhestvennoye tvorchestvo i literaturnyy protsess. Sbornik statey [Art creativity and literary process. The collection of articles]. Tomsk, TSPI Publ., 1985. Pp. 40–51(in Russian).
10. Golovchiner V. E. U istokov zhanra (“Na dne” kak opyt epicheskoy dramy) [At the sources of genre (“On the bottom” as experience of an epic drama)]. Dramaturgicheskiye iskaniya Serebryanogo veka. Mezhvuzovskiy sbornik nauchnykh trudov [Dramatic search of silver age: interuniversity collection of scientific proceedings]. Vologda, Vologda university Publ., 1997. Pp. 86–98 (in Russian).
11. Golovchiner V. E. “Drama rodilas’ na ploshchadi…” [“The drama was born on the square…”]. Transformatsiya i funktsionirovaniye kul’turnykh modeley v russkoy literature XX veka (arkhetip, mifologema, motiv). Materialy yubileynoy konferentsii, posvyashchennoy 100-letiyu TGPU i 5-letiyu kafedry literatury XX veka i Mirovoy khudozhestvennoy kul’tury [Transformation and functioning of cultural models in the Russian literature of the 20th century (archetype, mythologeme, motive). Proceedings of the anniversary conference devoted to 100th anniversary of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University and the 5th anniversary of Chair of the 20th century literature and World art culture]. Tomsk, TSPU Publ., 2002. Pp. 8–16 (in Russian).
12. Golovchiner V. E. Dve teatral’nykh sistemy – dva tipa dramy [Two theatrical systems – two types of a drama]. Sistemy i modeli: granitsy interpretatsiy [Systems and models: interpretation limits]. Tomsk, TSPU Publ., 2007. Pp. 41–46 (in Russian).
13. Golovchiner V. E. Razvitiye dramaturgicheskikh printsipov V. Mayakovskogo: ot “Misterii-buff” k “Bane” [Development of drama principles of V. Mayakovsky (from “Mystery-buff” to “Banya”)]. In: Gura V. V. (ed.). Pisatel’ v literaturnom protsesse: mezhvuzovskiy sbornik nauchnykh trudov [Writer in literary process: interuniversity collection of proceedings]. Vologda, Vologda university Publ., 1991. Pp. 58–70 (in Russian).
14. Golovchiner V. E. Epicheskiye tendentsii v dramaturgii “tret’ey volny” (“Tsaplya” V. Aksenova, “Demokratiya” I. Brodskogo) [Epic tendencies in dramatic art of “the third wave” (V. Aksenov’s “Heron”, I. Brodsky’s “Democracy”)]. In: Skobelev V. P. (editor compiler). Literatura “Tret’yey volny”. Sbornik nauchnykh statey [Literature of the “Third wave”. Collection of scientific articles]. Samara, Samara university Publ., 1997. Pp. 67–78 (in Russian).
15. Golovchiner V. E. “Gorina nado osmyslit’ kak nashu zakonomernost’…” [“Gorin should be comprehended as our regularity…”]. In: Babicheva Yu. V. (editor-in-chief). Neordinarnye formy russkoy dramy XX stoletiya. Mezhvuzovskiy sbornik nauchnykh trudov [Non-ordinary forms of Russian drama of the 20th century. The interuniversity collection of proceedings]. Vologda, Vologda university Publ., 1998. Pp. 56–75 (in Russian).
16. Russkaya literatura XX veka: 1930-e – seredina 1950-kh godov: uchebnoye posobiye dlya studentov uchrezhdeniy vysshego obrazovaniya: v 2 t. [Modern Russian Literature: 1930–1950 year: textbook for university students: in 2 books]. Editors N. L. Leiderman, M. N. Lipovetsky, M. A. Litovskaya. Moscow, Akademiya Publ., 2014 (in Russian).
17. Likhachev D. S. Vtoraya mezhdunarodnaya konferentsiya po poyetike [Second international conference on poetics]. Vesti AN SSSR, 1962, no. 2, pp. 97–98 (in Russian).
18. Bakhtin M. M. Sobraniye sochineniy: v 7 t. T. 6 [Collection of works in 7 volumes. Vol. 6]. Editors S. G. Bocharov, L. A. Gogotishvili. Moscow, Russkiye slovari Publ., Yazyki slavyanskoy kul’tury Publ., 2002. 799 p. (in Russian).
19. Slovar’ literaturovedcheskikh terminov [Dictionary of literary terms]. Editors L. I. Timofeyev, S. V. Turayev. Moscow, Prosveshcheniye Publ., 1974. 513 p. (in Russian).
20. Golovchiner V. E. Nekotorye osobennosti konflikta i kompozitsii v p’ese E. SHvartsa “Golyy korol’” [Some features of the conflict and composition in Ye. Schwarz’s play “Naked king”]. In: Remorova N. B. (ed.). Sbornik trudov molodykh uchyonykh [Collection of works of young scientists]. Tomsk, TSU Publ., 1973. Pp. 162–178 (in Russian).
21. Golovchiner V. E. “Chuzhoy syuzhet” v p’ese E. Shvartsa “Golyy korol’” [“Stranger’s plot” in Ye. Schwarz’s play “Naked king”]. In: Remorova N. B. (ed.). Sbornik trudov molodykh uchenykh [Proceedings of the young scientists]. Tomsk, TSU Publ., 1974. Pp. 146–161 (in Russian).
22. Golovchiner V. E. Khudozhestvennoye svoyeobraziye dramaturgii E. Shvartsa (“Golyy korol’”, “Ten’”, “Drakon”). Avtoref. dis. kand. filol. nouk [Artistic originality of dramatic art of Ye. Schwarz (“Naked king”, “Shadow”, “Dragon”). Abstract of theisi. cand. philol. sci.]. Tomsk, 1975 (in Russian).
23. Golovchiner V. E. Struktura dramaticheskogo deystviya v p’ese E. Shvartsa “Ten’” [Structure of drama action in Ye. Schwarz’s play “Shadow”]. Problemy literaturnykh zhanrov: materialy vtoroy nauchnoy mezhvuzovskoy konferentsii, 30 sentyabrya – 4 oktyabrya 1975 goda [Problems of literary genres: materials of the Second Scientific Interuniversity Conference, September, 30th – October, 4th, 1975]. Tomsk, TSU Publ. 1975. Pp. 151–154 (in Russian).
24. Svarovskaya M. I. (ed.). Khudozhestvennoe tvorchestvo i literaturnyy protsess. Vypusk 4 [Artistic creativity and literary process. Issue 4]. Tomsk, Tomsk university Publ., 1982. 159 p. (in Russian).
25. Golovchiner V. E. Transformatsiya epicheskogo v ranney sovetskoy dramaturgii [Transformation of epic in early Soviet dramatic art]. Problemy literaturnykh zhanrov: materialy chetvertoy nauchnoy mezhvuzovskoy konferentsii, 28 sentyabrya – 1 oktyabrya 1982 goda [Problems of literary genres: materials of the IV Scientific Interuniversity Conference, September, 28th – October, 1st, 1982]. Tomsk, Tomsk university Publ., 1983. Pp. 237–239 (in Russian).
26. Golovchiner V. E. Opyt epicheskoy dramy (p’esa (S. Tret’yakova “Rychi, Kitay!”) [Experience of the epic drama (the play S. Tretyakova “Growl, China!”)]. In: Kanunova F. Z., Kiselev N. N., Yanushkevich A. S. (eds.). Problemy literaturnykh zhanrov: materialy V nauchnoy mezhvuzovskoy konferentsii [Problems of literary genres: materials of V Scientific Interuniversity Conference]. Tomsk, Tomsk university Publ., 1987. Pp. 145–147 (in Russian).
27. Golovchiner V. E. K opredeleniyu ponyatiya “epicheskaya drama” [On the determination of the concept “epic drama”]. Problemy literaturnykh zhanrov: materialy VI nauchnoy mezhvuzovskoy konferentsii. 7–9 dekabrya, 1988 [Problems of literary genres: materials of VI Scientific Interuniversity Conference. 7–9 December,1988]. Tomsk, Tomsk University Publ., 1990. Pp. 187–189 (in Russian).
28. Golovchiner V. E. Poetika tozhdestva (p’esa V. Maksimova “Kto boitsya Reya Bredberi?”) [Identity poetics (V. Maksimov’s play “Who is afraid of Rey Bradbury?”)]. In: Skobelev V. P. (editor-composer). Literatura “Tret’ey volny”: sbornik nauchnykh statey [Literature of the “Third wave”: the collection of scientific articles]. Samara, Samara university Publ., 1997. Pp. 295–309 (in Russian).
29. Golovchiner V. E. Epicheskoye i arkhaicheskoye v p’ese K. Treneva “Lyubov’ Yarovaya” [The epic and archaic in the play by K. Trenev “Lyubov’ Yarovaya“]. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta – TSPU Bulletin, 1998, no. S1, pp. 65–71 (in Russian).
30. Rusanova O. N., Izmesteva K.V., Poleva Y. A., Tchernyavskaya Y. O., Malysheva L. G. “Zhivu bespokoyno...” K yubileyu professora V. E. Golovchiner [“I live uneasily…” On the anniversary of Valentina Golovchiner]. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta – TSPU Bulletin, 2015, no. 6 (159), pp. 237–243 (in Russian).
31. Babicheva Yu. V. “Osmyslit’ kak zakonomernost’” [This should be understanded as a pattern]. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta – TSPU Bulletin, 2001, no. 1 (26), pp. 94–96 (in Russian).
32. Delezha E. Klondayk [Klondike]. Peterburgskiy teatral’nyy zhurnal, 2002, no. 27, pp. 135 (in Russian).
33. Golovchiner V. E. Epicheskaya drama v russkoy literature ХХ veka [Epic drama in the Russian literature of the 20th century]. Tomsk, TSPU Publ., 2007. 318 p. (in Russian).
34. Golovchiner V. E. Put’ Rossii v poeme A. Bloka “Dvenadtsat’” (metodika issledovaniya rodovykh dominant teksta) [The way of Russia in A. Blok’s poem “the Twelve” (method of research of generic dominants of the text)]. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta – TSPU Bulletin, 1997, no. 1 (1), pp. 44–53 (in Russian).
35. Golovchiner V. E. Ekho gor’kovskoy p’esy “Na dne” v dramaturgii XX veka [The echo of the Gorky’s play “At the bottom” in the dramatic art of the 20th century]. In: Golovchiner V. Ye. (editor-in-chief). Russkaya literatura v sovremennom kul’turnom prostranstve: materialy II Vserossiyskoy nauchnoy konferentsii, posvyashchennoy 100-letiyu Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta [Russian literature in modern cultural space: proceedings of II National Scientific Conference devoted to the 100th anniversary of Tomsk State Pedagogical University]. Tomsk, TSPU Publ., 2003. Pp. 4–11 (in Russian).
36. Golovchiner V. E. Otkrytiya M. Gor’kogo v kontekste dramaturgicheskikh iskaniy epokhi. K 100-letiyu sozdaniya p’esy “Na dne” [M. Gorky’s Inventions in the Context of Dramaturgic Searches of the Epoch]. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta – TSPU Bulletin, 2004, no. 3, pp. 20–26 (in Russian).
37. Golovchiner V. E. “Tri sestry” A. P. Chekhova v kontekste iskaniy dramy nachala XX veka [“Three sisters” by Anton Chekhov in the context of the artistic search in the early 20th century]. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta – TSPU Bulletin, 2010, no. 8 (98), pp. 5–10 (in Russian).
38. Golovchiner V. E. Problema geroya v p’ese A. S. Griboyedova “Gore ot uma” [The problem of a hero in A. Griboedov’s “Woe from Wit”]. Teatr i drama: esteticheskiy opyt epokhi, 2016, no. 3, pp. 77–87 (in Russian).
39. Golovchiner V. E. “Obyknovennoye chudo” v tvorcheskikh iskaniyakh E. Shvartsa [“Ordinary miracle” in creative quest by E. Shvarts]. Drama i teatr: sbornik nauchnykh trudov [Drama and theatre: collection of scientific works]. Tver, TSU Publ., 2002. Pp. 172–188 (in Russian).
40. Golovchiner, V. E. “Protosyuzhet” v skazkakh E. Shvartsa (transformatsiya i funktsionirovaniye) [“The Protoplot” in the fairytales by E. Shvarts (transformation and functioning)]. Sibirskiy filologicheskiy zhurnal – Siberian Journal of Philology, 2003, no. 2, рр. 54–64 (in Russian).
41. Golovchiner V. E., Rusanova O. N. P’esa “Odna noch’” v tvorchestve E. L. Shvartsa voyennoy pory [The play “One night” in wartime works by Ye.L. Schwarts]. Russkaya literatura v sovremennom kul’turnom prostranstve Sbornik statey po materialam VIII Vserossiyskoy nauchnoy konferentsii [Russian literature in modern cultural space. The collection of proceedings of VIII National Scientific Conference.]. Tomsk, Tomsk State Pedagogical University Publ., 2015–2016. Pp. 115–128 (in Russian).
42. Golovchiner V. E. Kontekst stikhotvoreniya V. Mayakovskogo “Prozasedavshiyesya” [The context of the poem of V. Mayakovsky “Re Conferences”]. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta – TSPU Bulletin, 2001, no. 1 (26), рр. 50–57 (in Russian).
43. Golovchiner V. E. “Khorosheye otnosheniye k loshadyam” i “Prozasedavshiyesya” v kontekste russkoy klassiki [“Good attitude to horses” and “Prozasedavshiesya” in the context of Russian classics]. Sibirskiy filologicheskiy zhurnal – Siberian Journal of Philology, 2007, no. 3, pp. 38–47 (in Russian).
44. Golovchiner V. E. Transformatsii videniya v “Yubileynom” V. Mayakovskogo [Transformation of “vision” in the poem “For the Jubilee” (Yubileynoye) by V. Mayakovskiy]. Bakhtin i literaturnaya germenevtika: sbornik nauchnykh statey [Bakhtin and literary hermeneutics. The collection of scientific articles]. Kemerovo, 2016. Pp. 69–82 (in Russian).
45. Golovchiner V. Ye. “Yubileynoye” i “Vo ves’ golos” v logike odnogo liricheskogo syuzheta V. Mayakovskogo 1920-kh godov [“For the Jubilee” and “At the top of the voice” in the logic of a lyric plot by Vladimir Mayakovsky]. Vladimir Mayakovskiy v mirovom kul’turnom prostranstve: Materialy Mezhdunarodnoy nauchnoy konferentsii, posvyashchennoy 125-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya poeta [Vladimir Mayakovsky in the world culture space: Materials of international scientific conference devoted to the 125th anniversary of the poet]. Moscow, IMLI RAN Publ., 2018. Pp. 31–39 (in Russian).
46. Golovchiner V. E. Liricheskiy syuzhet vstrechi v rannikh stikhakh i “Neobychaynom priklyuchenii” V. Mayakovskogo [Lyrical plot of a meeting in the early poems and in ‘An Extraordinary Adventure…’ by Mayakovsky]. Sibirskiy filologicheskiy zhurnal – Siberian Journal of Philology, 2016, no. 4, pp. 61–78 (in Russian).
47. Golovchiner V. E. Dva videncheskikh teksta v lirike V. Mayakovskogo kontsa 1920-kh godov (18-ya glava poemy “Khorosho”, “Razgovor s tovarishchem Leninym”) [Two visible texts in the lyrics of V. Mayakovsky of the late 1920s (Сhapter 18 of the poem “Good”, “Conversation with comrade Lenin”)]. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta – TSPU Bulletin, 2019 no. 1 (198), pp. 27–37 (in Russian).
48. Golovchiner V. E. “Proshchaniye v iyune” A. Vampilova kak epicheskaya – neklassicheskaya drama [“Farewell in June” by Alexander Vampilov as an epic nonclassical drama]. Sibirskiy filologicheskiy zhurnal – Siberian Journal of Philology, 2017, no. 4, рр. 101–113 (in Russian).
49. Golovchiner V. E. M. Gor’kiy – “osnovopolozhnik” epicheskoy dramy XX veka [M. Gorky – “founder” of an epic drama of the 20th century]. Maksim Gor’kiy i literaturnye iskaniya XX stoletiya. Gor’kovskiye chteniya, 2002: materialy mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii [Maxim Gorky and literary search of the 20th century. Gorki readings 2002: materials of the International conference]. Nizhni Novgorod, 2004. Pp. 291–295 (in Russian).
50. Golovchiner V. E. K voprosu o statuse epicheskoy dramy v sisteme dramaticheskogo roda [On the status of epic drama in the drama system].In: Medvedeva N. G. (compiler), Cherashnyaya D.I. (editor-in-chief). Opyty izucheniya dramy. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov [Experience of studying drama. The collection of proceedings]. Izhevsk, 2010. Pp. 46–63 (in Russian).
51. Golovchiner V. E. Russkiye korni epicheskoy dramy [Russian roots of epic drama]. In: Rybal’chenko T. L. (ed.) Russkaya literatura v XX veke: imena, problemy, kul’turnyy dialog [Russian literature in 20th century: names, problems, cultural dialogue]. Tomsk, TSU Publ., 2009. Pp. 5–21 (in Russian).
52. Rusanova O. N. Kul’turnye modeli v russkoy literature i ikh voploshcheniya v avtorskom tekste [Cultural models in Russian literature and their implementation in the author’s text]. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta – TSPU Bulletin, 2008, no. 2 (76), pp. 103–105 (in Russian).
53. Golovchiner V. E. K probleme ponyatiya “kul’turnaya model’”. Sistemy i modeli v literaturovedenii (razmyshleniya na zadannuyu temu) [To the problem of the concept of “cultural model”. Systems and models of literary studies (reflexions on the set topic)]. In: Golovchiner V. Ye. (compiler). Transformatsiya i funktsionirovaniye kul’turnykh modeley v russkoy literature: materialy Tret’ey Vserossiyskoy nauchnoy konferentsii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiyem [Transformation and functioning of cultural in Russian literature: proceeding of the Third Russian National Scientific Conference with international participation]. Tomsk, TSPU Publ. 2008. Pp. 3–11 (in Russian).
54. Golovchiner V. E. Topos kak osnovaniye vydeleniya teatral’nykh sistem i tipov dramy v refleksii A. S. Pushkina i A. A. Gvozdeva [Topos as the basis of selection of theatrical systems and drama genres in the reflexing of A. S. Pushkin and A. A. Gvozdev]. Drama i teatr [Drama and theatre]. Tver, TSU Publ., 2009. Pp. 24–36 (in Russian).
55. Golovchiner V. E. A. S. Pushkin o reforme dramy [A. S. Pushkin on “reform” of drama]. Tekst – Kommentariy – Interpretatsiya: mezhvuzovskiy sbornik nauchnykh trudov [Text. Сomment. Interpretation: interuniversity collection of proceedings]. Novosibirsk, NSU Publ., 2008. Pp. 50–58 (in Russian).
56. Golovchiner V. E., Rusanova O. N. Avtorskaya model’ khudozhestvennogo teksta kak sintez zhanrovykh vozmozhnostey roda literatury [Author model of literary text as a synthesis of the expressive possibilities of the kind of literature]. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta – TSPU Bulletin, 2014, no. 7 (148), pp. 178–185 (in Russian).
57. Golovchiner V. E. Deystviye kak kategoriya dramy [Action as a category of drama]. Teatron. Nauchnyy al’manakh Sankt-Peterburgskoy akademii teatral’nogo iskusstva – Teatron. Scientific almanac of the St.-Petersburg academy of theatrical art, 2008, no. 2, pp. 7–14 (in Russian).
58. Golovchiner V. E. “Chto takoye schast’e, kazhdyy ponimal po-svoemu...” k 100-letiyu A. P. Gaydara [“What is happiness, everyone understood in their own way...” To the 100th anniversary of A. Gaidar]. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta – TSPU Bulletin, 2005, no. 6 (51), pp. 5–8 (in Russian).
59. Golovchiner V. E. Sergey Tret’yakov – uchitel’ Bertol’ta Brekhta [Sergey Tretyakov – Bertolt Brecht’s teacher]. Sibirskiy filologicheskiy zhurnal – Siberian Journal of Philology, 2014, no. 2, рр. 118–125 (in Russian).
60. Golovchiner V. E. K istorii pervoy literaturovedcheskoy stat’i o p’ese N. Erdmana “Samoubiytsa” [On the history of the first literary article about the play by N. Erdman The Suicide]. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta – TSPU Bulletin, 2019, no. 6 (203), pp. 118–121 (in Russian).
61. Golovchiner V. E. Transformatsiya motiva dogovora cheloveka s d’yavolom v p’esakh Erdmana 1920-kh godov [Transformation of the motive ‘the agreement of man with the devil’ in the Erdman’s plays of the 1920s]. In: Golovchiner V. Ye. (scientific editor). Transformatsiya i funktsionirovaniye kul’turnykh modeley v russkoy literature (arkhetip, mifologema, motiv). Materialy II Mezhdunarodnoy nauchnoy konferentsii [Transformation and functioning of cultural models in the Russian literature (archetype, mythologeme, motive). Materials of II International Scientific Conference]. Tomsk, TSPU Publ., 2005. Pp. 118–128 (in Russian).
62. Golovchiner V. E. “Cherti rodyat boloto...“ ili problema interpretatsii p’es N. Erdmana [„Devils bear a bog...“ Or the problem of interpretation of plays by N. Erdman]. Pamyati professora V. P. Skobeleva: problemy poyetiki i istorii russkoy literatury XIX–XX vekov mezhdunarodnyy sbornik nauchnykh statey. Samarskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet, Kafedra russkoy i zarubezhnoy literatury [In memory of professor V. P. Skobelev: problems of poetics and history of Russian literature of the 19–20th century. International collection of scientific articles. The Samara State University, Chair of the Russian and Foreign Literature]. Samara, 2005. Pp. 258–271 (in Russian).
63. Golovchiner V. E. Dramaturgiya N. Erdmana v sovetskom i postsovetskom vospriyatii [N. Erdman’s dramatic art in the Soviet and Post-Soviet perception]. Russkaya literatura v sovremennom kul’turnom prostranstve. Materialy III Vserossiyskoy nauchnoy konferentsii [Russian literature in modern cultural space. Materials of III National Scientific Conference]. Tomsk, TSPU Publ., 2005. Pp. 94–100 (in Russian).
64. Golovchiner V. E. Vizual’nyy potentsial dramaticheskogo teksta (opyt N. Erdmana v p’ese “Mandat“) [Visual potential of the dramatic text (experience of N. Erdman in the play “The Warrant“)]. In: Ishchuk-Fadeeva N. I., Milyugina Ye. G. (ed.). Drama i teatr. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov sed’moy konferentsiy [Drama and theatre. The collection of proceedings of materials of the Seventh conference]. Tver, TSU Publ., 2007. Pp. 7–23 (in Russian).
65. Golovchiner V. E., Freedman J. Transformatsii “Muzykal’nogo magazina“ V. Massa i N. Erdmana [Transformation of the “Music store“ by V. Mass and N. Erdman].In: Golovchiner V. Ye. (compiler). Transformatsiya i funktsionirovaniye kul’turnykh modeley v russkoy literature: Materialy III Vserossiyskoy s mezhdunarodnym uchastiyem nauchnoy konferentsii (7–8 fevr. 2008 g.) [Transformation and functioning of cultural models in the Russian literature. Materials of III National Scientific Conference with the International Participation]. Tomsk, TSPU Publ., 2008, pp. 305–318 (in Russian).
66. Golovchiner V. E. K yubileyu Nikolaya Erdmana [For the anniversary of Nikolai Erdman]. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta – TSPU Bulletin, 2011, no. 7 (109), pp. 5–6 (in Russian).
67. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta – TSPU Bulletin, 2011, no. 7 (109) (in Russian).
68. Golovchiner V. E. Komicheskoye, komediynoye, smekhovoye (“Dni Turbinykh”, “Mandat” N. Erdmana) [Comedy, comic and humor issues (“Days of the Turbiny” by Mikhail Bulgakov, “The Warrant” by N. Erdman)]. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta – TSPU Bulletin, 2011, no. 7 (109), pp. 47–58 (in Russian).
69. Golovchiner B. E., Prokhorenko N. A. Maski v p’ese Viktora Korkiya “Gamlet.ru” [Masks in Victor Korkiya’s play “Gamlet.ru”]. Polilog. Studia Neofilologiczne, 2012, nr 2, pp. 303–312 (in Russian).
70. Golovchiner V. E., Sumina E. G. Poetika troystvennosti v pervoy p’ese N. Moshinoy “Treugol’nik” [Triplicity poetics in N. Moshina’s first play “Triangle”]. Teatr i drama: esteticheskiy opyt epokhi, 2013, no. 1, pp. 205–211 (in Russian).
71. Golovchiner V. E., Sumina E. G. “Stseny poslednikh dney” Natalii Moshinoy [“The scenes of last days” of Natalia Moshina]. Semenova N. V., Artemova S. Yu., Stepanov A. G. (eds.). Drama i teatr. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov pamyati Niny Ivanovny Ishchuk-Fadeyevoy [Drama and theatre. Collection of scientific works in memory of Nina Ivanovna Ishchuk-Fadeeva]. Tver, TSU Publ., 2015. Pp. 78–86 (in Russian).
72. Izmesteva K. V. Transformatsiya skazochnyhk motivov v p’ese L. Filatova “Pro Fedota-strel’tsa, udalogo molodtsa” [Transformation of the fairy-tale motifs in the play of L. Filatov “About Fedot-shooter, daring good fellow”]. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta – TSPU Bulletin, 2014, no. 7 (148), pp. 204–210 (in Russian).
Issue: 5, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 206 — 227
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